Going To Wal-mart!

She has seemed fine for the past few days... no sickness, nothing of the sort. So I decided to add her in with Wazzie today...Since adding her, she keeps flaring at Wazzie and following her around. This has caused Waz to be stressed out and skittish, do you think this is normal? And will she settle down once they've been together for a while...

Or are Plakats naturally more aggressive and dominate than other sorts of betta?
The fish looks nice.

So Snooks1, I'm new to the board and I'm wondering.

Do you save Betta fish Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly basis? ( Obviously its not Daily but just included it anyways :) )
I'll pick one up every now and then, nurse it to health if need be, and then give it to a friend who'll take care of'em.
I'm going to wal-mart with a bud here in a bit...As usual I go back to the fish aisle just to check and see how much bitching I need to do up front. So, I may bring back some bettas...Male or female.

May rescue one of the ADF if they have any... Last time I went they had the poor guys in jars even smaller than they keep the bettas in. The water was so filthy you couldn't even see the poor frog...

I'll keep ya'll updated.
Ok Guys, Lets not go on about if tis right or not to rescue the fish that these super stores in America keep in small tanks, jars, etc. There should be enough people out there who care about the fish to do somthing about it. There must be animal welfair groups, sections of the media or links on the internet. Petiton the stores, if they get enough e mails not just form those of us who keep Bettas but all animal owners saying that unless they offer better conditions for their livestock what ever species it may be then they will take their custom elsware. Hit these companys where it hurts the most, their bottom line, then they have to take notice.
Well done for taking her on its a kind thing to do.

I do however agree with smokie and groovitudedude. I am not in any way bitching as i know this is what i will get shunned with, but to me you bought a fish not rescued it as she looks in tip top health, when you rescue you take on something that will die if not given special care, like the bettas you see rescued with fins missing, with broken jaws and with swim bladder etc. This is just my opinion mind
Consider it a pre-rescue effort then...She'd have ended up in that condition had I left her there ;)

I do know what you're driving at though...But, the only other female they had there wouldn't have made even made it home, had I bought her.
You do realize that whether or not someone buys the fish or it dies on the shelf it still makes room for another fish and walmart still gets money for it right? So why not think about what it might mean to the fish that you're rescuing :hyper:

How does walmart still get money for it if it dies? They can't sell a dead fish.....

If a fish dies on the shelf, wal-mart is refunded for the fish.


If you are right, I'll be completely sorry for causing problems. I just can't see them getting a refund for their bad conditions. I'm DEFINATELY not trying to flame, I'm just wondering how this works out. If they do get refunded, I'll have to go down to my local Wal-Mart this weeekend and have a talk with the management.
your girl looks beautiful. it looks like my rayne who i also got at a wal mart. she was also a rescue. i picked her up when i sat there watching the other female bettas trying to hurt her, i could leave her alone.
ignore the negitive stuff. i agree with you. you are taking a fish out of a potientially bad situation and giving it a good life.
and on a side note the fish in wal mart are usally in better shape then the fish at petsmart.
my brother has a fish that he bought at wal mart two years ago and it is still alive.
when i bought my rayne, they immedently gave her a melafix and stress coat just so she would be ok on the ride home. thats best treatment any of my fish have gotten from a store i bought fish in. even better then the local pet stores, so you can't tell me that i am better off buying the fish else where. i have seen fish in much worse shape in local pet stores then i have at wal mart.
I think its great what you are doing. I to have bought fish at wal mart due to their poor condition, some were also in ok condition too. Dont stop what you are doing. :) :good:
I think its great what you are doing. I to have bought fish at wal mart due to their poor condition, some were also in ok condition too. Dont stop what you are doing. :) :good:

i agree. i would have bought more today, if i had the money or space.
Hey, sometimes you just can't help yourself and have to save on of the little buggers.

Really.... this whole "don't support the cruel fish stores" thing is a bit out of hand. It's going to happen regardless. Buy a fish, give it a happy home, and quit reading so into the "betta-info" sites out there. If you can't feel like a good person for helping the fish out and have a guilty conscious about buying from Walmart, go see a shrink.

Brash, but my honest opinion.
God all these new members keep brining up old topics just so they can have a post count, or because there bored. Well anywho, stop it... :crazy:

Ayways, nice fishy and I hate wally crap, it sucks.

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