How Long Can A Betta Go Without Eating?


New Member
Jan 30, 2008
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My first post here but not my first betta. However, this guy is my first fish in almost 20 years.

How long can a betta go without eating?
I brought him home about a week ago and he hasn't been eating.
I tried pellets but he spits those out. He wasn't interested in dried blood worms or frozen brine shrimp (!)

He has a huge bubble nest, the biggest one I've ever seen (it's about 6 inches by 4 inches).
He has no problems flaring. He will actually flare at food.
So I don't think it's the water conditions.

He is very active. I think he's more interested in the nest than eating!

I don't have a name for him yet.

Thanks for reading!


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My first post here but not my first betta. However, this guy is my first fish in almost 20 years.

How long can a betta go without eating?
I brought him home about a week ago and he hasn't been eating.
I tried pellets but he spits those out. He wasn't interested in dried blood worms or frozen brine shrimp (!)

He has a huge bubble nest, the biggest one I've ever seen (it's about 6 inches by 4 inches).
He has no problems flaring. He will actually flare at food.
So I don't think it's the water conditions.

He is very active. I think he's more interested in the nest than eating!

I don't have a name for him yet.

Thanks for reading!

He is very pretty! :wub:

I don't know how long they will last, but I know that I have had fish before that didn't eat for about a week after being introduced, I had to try frozen brine shrimp and garlic (which did work I am pleased to say).
Fish can go for weeks or even months without food. Unlike mammals that use most of the food they eat to keep warm, fish take their body temperature from the surrounding environment. Therefore any food they eat goes towards building their bodies up and swimming. Chances are you have a very devote father figure in your fighter. He is more interested in looking after his nest than eating.
Thank you for the kind (and quick!) responses. I'm relieved he isn't going to starve to death.
I really like this little bugger. I think he's quite proud of his nest!

And I'm such a noob, here are two other threads that asked the exact same thing

Thanks again!
if there is a bubble nest and flaring, i dont think you have anything to worry about. the "spitting out" food is not unusual for a betta in a new environment. ... However, if you are going over a week and your betta hasnt had any interest in food, i would be a bit concerned.
Thank you for the kind (and quick!) responses. I'm relieved he isn't going to starve to death.
I really like this little bugger. I think he's quite proud of his nest!

And I'm such a noob, here are two other threads that asked the exact same thing
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Thanks again!

This is a friendly forum. I doubt anyone minds you asking the same question.

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