Almost Proud Of Walmart


The Betta Bug Has Bitten... Resistence Is Futile
Jan 26, 2007
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My Bettas House In New York
They have these kits that are affordable and really good for betta keepers who are low on funds, its a one gallon bowl, with gravel, a plant, aquasafe, and even a little net, the only problem is heating. But if you have a way around that then they're actually pretty good and cost less then $8 really really good for walmart. I picked one up today to try it out.



Look how happy Ghost is
Because there's no top on the tank won't the betta fish jump out?

Tank looks nice though.
I need a bowl kinda like that for mine. But it has to have a lid because I have a cat :/

P.S. I love your red and white Betta. Where did you get him? I would totally call him Peppermint. Lol!
I wouldn't use it with a fish whose known to be a jumper, but ghost isn't so I trust him in there without a lid, but I still leave a good 2 inch space at the top just in case.
i would be absolutely shocked to see a betta make it out of the top of that bowl (the way you have it filled).

not a bad setup for the price :eek:
i agree with devon charm's concern over that plant.
if it's plastic your betta could end up with torn fins.
mmhmm its plasit but the edges are very smooth, i think I know enough about bettas to know not to give them any plants ot decor with sharp edges :rolleyes:

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