If Bettas Had Hands


Fish Herder
Dec 27, 2007
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if fish had hands...Ophelia...one of the little babies I brought home from walmart, would have given me the finger today.

both ophelia and juliet came from walmart and I thought they might die on the way home...this is the end of day two and both are still laying around the bottom or hideing, but alive and moving more then they did yesterday. today while looking at the nasty bloody patchs near ophelias gills she looked back at me...scooted up to the glass...flaired a bit, gave me only what I can discribe as an evil look, then went back to hiding in the cave.

what gratitude lol.
:lol: :lol: nice!

by "bloody patch near her gills" do you mean in front of or behind the gill? alot of females have a patch of red just before the gill cover, that looks like a cut but its just their markings
meaning where her gills should be is a big raw bloody patch. and its not her coloring, as ophelia is a pearl white with dark blue fins, and juliet is also a pearl white but with marron fins.

she was floating on her side in the cup at walmart...both her and juliet look pretty bad.

I am keeping their water super clean, and using a tiny bit of melafix and aquarium salt....so I dont know what else I can do for her.
jus keep the water clean and shallow so they dont have to come up ar to breath, and feed em well. thats the best you can do and i hope they get better!
:lol: Oh man..
Very sweet of you to buy & treat them.
I'm sure she'll apologize for her behavior when she gets better!
Good luck!
My lil lad has two "fingers" that i get waved at me on a regular basis after water changes! :rolleyes:

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