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    Badis? Or Not?

    I don't see any reason why not. As long as you have a large enough tank you should be fine.
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    New Convict

    I don't think you're missing anything. from your picture your tank looks fine. I don't belive there is a set rule, or any rule for that matter, on convict lighting. Btw your cichlid looks like a male (lacks orange belly).
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    How Many Malawi's In A 85g And What Kind?

    It really depends on what kind/color of fish you want. Usually a good rule of thumb is that more fish reduces aggression, so I guess the more the merrier (to a certain extent)!
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    Name This Fish ? Please And Thankyou.

    It looks like an Apistogramma Agassizi. I can't be sure though, but definite apisto.
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    Don't most mbuna, especially labeotropheus eat a significat amount of algae?
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    Malawi Wot Ones Out Of This List Good For Any Malawi Tank

    Looking at your list I see that you don't want to keep the standard yellow lab. :) However, I'm pretty sure most labs are pretty similar when it comes to temperment so I feel comfortable reccomending that genus to you. I have a few Pseudo. Demasoni in my 5ft tank, they're are still pretty small...
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    Suggestions Please

    I have kept Angels, Keyholes, and Bolivian rams together with no problems besides the occassional nip. I have always wanted to get Firemouths but I can't reccommend them as I have no experience with them. You could recreate a cool south American biotope with the angels and some cool tetras as...
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    Is This Angel Dyed ?

    It seems to me that the fish is dyed. I only say this because it reminds me of the "Painted" glass fish with that one tiny bar of color. And hot pink no less! But I'm no expert so it could be some genetic thingie.
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    Kribs Had A Busy Night

    You lucky dog! I wish my Kribs would breed, Perhaps the the rams ate them. Or the parents felt threatened and ate them.
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    Poll: What Is Your Favorite Type Of Livebearer?

    Swords are great! But don't let em jump!
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    How Does My Stocking Sound?

    You are probably at your tanks limit
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    Omigosh, They Spawned!

    Coryologist, those pictures are spectacular! :hyper:
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    Omigosh, They Spawned!

    When my cories spawned, the eggs were white, but they hatched. I'm pretty sure your eggs are ok, but I'm no expert. If they get really white and cloudy one the outside, they probably fungused. Also to answer your question about removing the eggs, the parents will eat them so you could use...
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    Breeding Swordtails

    What color is you swordtail? From my experience the gravid spot is usually black, but it is a possibility. Also, how big is your sword's belly. If it is huge, she is probably prego! If I were you, I would probably isolated your female. Not in one of those silly little breeder traps though...
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    Lost My Angelfish

    R.I.P Ms. Angelfish :sad: I would be heartbroken if that happened to one of my angels! Sorry about your loss.
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    Would A Ram Fit

    20 gallons(about 81 liters) seems on the small side for those fish. A tank upgrade sounds like like a good idea to me. As for the shark, it will probably get aggressive as time goes by in that tank,but there is also the possibility that because it is growing up with those fish it might not be...
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    Climbing Perch.,%20Climbing%20Perch.htm This is a page on climbing perch Anabas testudineus I think Ctenopoma Acutirostre are African whlie Anabas are Asian. But I'm not sure
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    Hi From Downunder

    That's odd, I have no problem with mine! Maybe that is because he is in a 20 gal with a pair of Kribensis! Also, is the silver shark you're mentioning a bala shark! If so, I belive you've got him in too small of a tank! They grow to a foot long or more. Maybe get a pair of cichlids to show...
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    At Last! I Have Some Bolivian Rams

    I think it would be best if you kept just 2. Rams are a pair fish and multiple pairs might get aggressiveto each other(that is if all 4 fish find another of the opposite sex.). Chances are you would get a pair if you had four and the pair would bully the odd two. If you have a lot of caves and...
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    My Guppies Are Pregnant!

    If I were you I'd get a 10 gallon tank, densely plant it and Put the female in. After she gives birth remove her. Then you won't have to worry about her eating babies. Butthat is just my opinion.
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    I had this same experience yesterday. I was looking into a tank of feeder guppies and thought I saw some endlers. They were very pretty and I was really confused. Now I understand that they might just be a cross.
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    Most Popular Common Livebearer Need More Votes!

    Swordtails. Absolutely stunning fish with great personalities. :good:
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    What Kind Of Fish Would You Guess This Is?

    OMG! It looks a lot like a Salvini! It also kind of looks like A Jaguar Cichlid x Red Devil cihlid maybe. Still, I guess it has texas cichlid in it. :hyper:
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    Rams In Community Tanks?

    I keep a pair of Bolivian rams( which I asssume are pretty similar to blues) In that tank, they completely ignore every other fish, and every other fish ignores them. The only time They interact really is when one of my angels bumps into them.
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    First Fry :)

    I'd recommend feeding your babies microworms or newly hatched brine shrimp.
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    Breeding Bolivian Rams

    Thx for all the help! :hyper:
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    Corys Laid Eggs - What A Rush!

    Remove the happy parents from the tank. they will eat the eggs before they can hatch!
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    Fry Eating Fry!

    My 1st generation swordtail fry would've eaten all my 2nd generation if I hadn't stopped them. Put your 1st generation in another tank.
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    Guppies Pregnant?

    Another thing to look out for is the black section near the back of her belly. It is called the gravid spot. When I see this in my swordtail, I usually put her ina separate tank.
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    What To Feed Rams?

    You can feed them 1mm peellets. I use the brand spectrum.
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    Breeding Bolivian Rams

    I thought so, thx stang!
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    Breeding Bolivian Rams

    i've got some pics, hope they help you sex them. I think this one is a female i'm pretty sure this guy is a male. I don't think they are 2 males because there is no aggresion between the 2.
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    Breeding Bolivian Rams

    Thanks Kribensis i'll try to get pics!
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    Breeding Bolivian Rams

    Hi everyone, I am keeping two Bolivian Rams(microgeophagus altispinosa) in a 47 gal. tank with 3 angels, 2 keyholes, 2 swords, and 4 cories. I am pretty sure they are a pair because they love hanging out together, physical appearances(one has an extended ray on its tail) and that they are more...
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    Angels Or Rams

    I wouldn't add angels to a 20 gal. I had to do it once because my angelfishes' normal tank's chemistry was funny and they were unhappy. If you wanted, you could add a pair of Bolivian rams. They are not quite as beautiful, but are much more hardy than blues. They are also very peaceful. I've...
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    Corys In The Amazon

    Great videos, it is amazing to see so many. Are the ones in the second video panda cories?
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    Cory Babies

    Where are the parent cories and what kind of filter is it. If the parents are by themselves and your using a sponge filter, I'd wait untill your fry grew a little more. the parents won't bother the fry once you put them in there. :good:
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    Help On Tankmate Compatability

    I f you keep angels Bolivian rams could go with them all they need is soft water. Also intead of phantoms or skirts you could put serpae tetras in. They left my angels alone. :good:
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    Have You Heard Of It (septre Tetra)

    My serpaes don't even bother any fish fish and I've kept them with Angelfish!
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    Have You Heard Of It (septre Tetra)

    Yeah if you mean sepaes they are very active and very pretty