Malawi Wot Ones Out Of This List Good For Any Malawi Tank


Fish Herder
Aug 6, 2008
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taunton somerset uk
hi am thinking abt setting up a malawi tank in my 6.5ft tank list of malawis thinking abt buying i am thinking of 5cm in size

is this a very big list i thought of having if i can get them size in 5cm (2ins) not sure on prices of these either any idea
and how many of them of each
Aulonocara baenschi Baenghae Peacock Cichlid 4 - 5 cm
Aulonocara candensis Blue orchid Peacock Cichlid 4 - 5 cm

Aulonocara ethelwihae Ethelwihae Peacock Cichlid 5 - 7 cm

Aulonocara eureca Eureca Peacock Cichlid 4 - 5 cm
Aulonocara eureca albino 4-5 cm
Aulonocara hansbaenschi African Peacock 4 - 5 cm

Aulonocara chilumba Flavescent Peacock Cichlid 4 - 5 cm
Aulonocara jacobfreibergi Jacobfreibergi Peacock Cichlid 4 - 5 cm

Aulonocara korneliae Blue-Gold Peacock Cichlid 4 - 5 cm

Aulonocara maleri Maleri Peacock Cichlid 4 - 5 cm

Aulonocara maleri gold Maleri Peacock Cichlid Gold 4 - 5 cm

Aulonocara maulana Maulana Peacock Cichlid 4 cm

Aulonocara maylandii Sulphurhead Peacock, Maylandii 4 - 5 cm
Aulonocara new blue orchid New Blue Orchid 4 - 5 cm

Aulonocara ngara Ngara Peacock Cichlid 3,5 - 4,5cm
Aulonocara nyassae Yellow Peacock Cichlid 4 - 5 cm
Aulonocara nyassae gold Yellow Peacock Cichlid Gold 4-5 cm

Aulonocara reimondi gold Reimondi Peacock Cichlid Gold 4 - 5 cm

Aulonocara saulosi Saulosi Peacock Cichlid 4 - 5 cm

Aulonocara sp. baenchi 4-5 cm
Aulonocara sp. blue fin Blue Fin Peacock Cichlid 4 - 5 cm

Aulonocara sp. calico Calico Peacock Cichlid 4 - 5 cm
Aulonocara sp. firefish 4-5 cm
Aulonocara sp. chiloelo Chiloelo Peccock Cichlid 4 - 5 cm

Aulonocara sp. chisumulae 4-5 cm

Aulonocara sp. chitahde 4-5 cm

Aulonocara sp. jalo 4-5 cm

Aulonocara sp. marlerie 4-5 cm

Aulonocara sp. ntumba 4-5 cm

Aulonocara sp. orange blanche Orange Blanche Pecock Cichlid 4 - 5 cm
Aulonocara sp. red Red Pecock Cichlid 4 - 5 cm
Aulonocara sp. red albin Red Albin Peacock Cichlid 4 - 5 cm

Aulonocara sp. rubin red Rubin Red Peacock Cichlid 4 - 5 cm
Aulonocara sp. turquoise Turquoise Peacock Cichlid 4 - 5 cm
Aulonocara sp. yellowhead Yellowhead Peacock Cichlid 4 - 5 cm
Aulonocara steveni blue neon Steveni Peacock Cichlid Blue Neon 4 - 5 cm

Aulonocara stuargrandi Stuargrandi Peacock Cichlid 4 - 5 cm

Aulonocara usisia Usisia Peacock Cichlid 4 - 5 cm
Aulonocara jacobfreibergi sp. blue Jacobfreibergi Peacock Cichlid Blue 4 - 5 cm

Aulonocara sp. lwanda 4-5 cm
Copadichromis sp. tanzania yellow fin 4 - 5 cm
Cynotilapia afra Cynotilapia Chimate 3,5 - 5 cm
Cynotilapia afra red dorsal 3,5 - 5 cm

Cynotilapia afra red top Cynotilapia afra red top 3,5 - 5 cm

Cynotilapia afra white Cynotilapia 'Chimate', Cyno 5 - 6 cm

Cynotilapia afra yellow Cynotilapia 'Chimate', Cyno 3,5 - 4,5 cm

Cynotilapia fletti-red top 3 - 4 cm
Cyrtocara boadzulu 4 - 5 cm

Cyrtocara elektra 4 - 5 cm
Cyrtocara labrosus super vc 10 Super VC 10, Big-Lip Hap 4 - 5 cm
Haplochromis borleyi red fin 4 - 5 cm

Haplochromis borleyi yellow fin 4 - 5,5 cm
Haplochromis compressiceps Malawi Eye-Biter 4 - 5 cm

Haplochromis cribensis 3.5 - 4.5 cm
Haplochromis euchilus Big-Lipped Cichlid 4 - 5 cm

Haplochromis fenestratus eastern Steveni Tiger 4 - 5 cm
Haplochromis fryeri 4 - 5 cm
Haplochromis fryeri 4 - 5 cm

Haplochromis fuscoteniatus 4 - 5 cm

Haplochromis jacksoni /ahli/ Jackson's Nkata 4 - 5 cm
Haplochromis likoma 4 - 5 cm
Haplochromis linni Linn's Haplochromis, Elepha 4 - 5 cm
Haplochromis livingstonii Livinstoni 4 - 5 cm
Haplochromis moorii Blue Dolphin Cichlid 4 - 5 cm

Haplochromis nyerei 4 cm

Haplochromis nyererei Ruti Island 5-7 cm

Haplochromis obliquidens 4 - 5 cm
Haplochromis sp. ch 44 4 - 5 cm
Haplochromis sp. yellow belly 4 cm
Haplochromis venustus Venustus 4 - 5 cm
Iodotropheus sprengeri Lavender mbuna 3,5 - 4 cm
Labeotropheus fuelleborni - marmel Fuelleborn's Cichlid 4 - 5,5 cm

Labeotropheus trewavasae Red-Top Cichlid, Trewavas' 4 - 5,5 cm

Labeotropheus trewavasae - rosy Red-Top Cichlid, Trewavas' rosy 4 - 5,5 cm
Labeotropheus trewavasae chilumba Scrapemouth mbuna Chilumba 4 - 5 cm

Labeotropheus trewavasae red Red-Top Cichlid, Trewavas' 3,5 - 4 cm

Labeotropheus trewawasae marmelade Scrapemouth mbuna marmelade 3,5 - 4 cm

Labidochromis hongi 3,5 - 5 cm

Labidochromis hongi orange 3,5 - 4 cm
Labidochromis chisumulae 4 - 5 cm

Labidochromis sp. mbamba 3,5 - 4 cm

Labidochromis sp. perlmutt 3,5 - 4 cm

Labidochromis species yelow 4,5 - 5,5 cm
Melanochromis auratus Nyasa Golden Cichlid, Aurat 4 - 5 cm
Melanochromis auratus albino Nyasa golden cichlid albino 4 cm
Melanochromis chipokae Chipokae Mbuna 4 - 5,5 cm

Melanochromis interuptus Melanochromis 'Red' 4 - 5 cm

Melanochromis joanjohnsonae /exasp White Labido, Pearl of Liko 4 - 4,5 cm

Melanochromis johanni Bluegray mbuna, Johanni Mbuna 4 - 5 cm

Melanochromis maingano 4 - 5 cm
Melanochromis paralellus Parallel striped mbuna 4 - 5 cm

Othopharynx roxy 4 - 5 cm
Otopharynx lithobathes Red-Top Trematocranus, Trem 4 - 5 cm
Otopharynx lithobathes Red-Top Trematocranus, Trem 4 - 5 cm

Placidochromis phenochilus 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus acei White-Tail Acei 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus acei ngara 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus aurora Pseudotropheus Pengoldi, Ps 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus daktari 4 - 5 cm
Pseudotropheus demasoni 4,5 - 5,5 cm

Pseudotropheus elongatus Slender Pseudotropheus, Elongate mbu 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus elongatus chewere 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus elongatus mpanga 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus elongatus yellow 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus flavus 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus gracilior 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus greishakei William's mbuna, Redtop Ice Blue 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus hailomailandi Pseudotropheus Greberi 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus heteropictus Pseudotropheus 'Newsi' 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus kingsizei blue gold 4 - 5 cm
Pseudotropheus lanisticola 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus lombardoi Pseudotropheus 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus polit 4-5 cm

Pseudotropheus saulosi >5 cm

Pseudotropheus saulosi red coral 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus socolofi Pseudotropheus Pindani, Edu 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus socolofi albin Pseudotropheus Pindani Albin 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus sp. cameleo 4 - 5 cm
Pseudotropheus sp. crabro 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus sp. msobo 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus sp. neon spot 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus sp. red top cobalt Red Top Colbalt 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus sp. red top ndumbi 4 - 5 cm
Pseudotropheus sp. red top ndumbi 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus tropheops Pseudotropheus 'Tropheops O 5 - 7 cm

Pseudotropheus tropheops chilum. oran. 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus tropheops red fin 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus zebra Nyasa Blue Cichlid, Zebra M 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus zebra albin 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus zebra blue + blue 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus zebra red + blue 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus zebra red + red Pseudotropheus 'Zebra South 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus zebra red + red Pseudotropheus 'Zebra South 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus zebra red fin Nyasa Blue Cichlid, Zebra M 4 - 5 cm

Pseudotropheus zebra red ob 4 - 5 cm
Looking at your list I see that you don't want to keep the standard yellow lab. :) However, I'm pretty sure most labs are pretty similar when it comes to temperment so I feel comfortable reccomending that genus to you. I have a few Pseudo. Demasoni in my 5ft tank, they're are still pretty small but I've seen no aggression whatsoever. I've heard they can be downright mean, but I think they would be fine in your tank. Psuedo. Socofli would be fine too, no matter the variation.

P.S. 6.5 ft. tank :drool: so jealous.

P.P.S. To add on, once you reach a certain volume of tank, as long as all fish aare of similar size, does it really matter which ones you add, or would aggression still play a significant role?
Wow, that is a big list.

I'd suggest narrowing it down to what type of Malawi you want to keep, mbuna, haps, or peacocks. Or a combination.

IMO peacocks should be kept by themselves or with more peaceful haps. They don't mix that well with mbuna (w/the exception of l.caeruleus) due to the mbuna's higher aggression and dietary differences.

Haps I really can't help you on as I've never kept them.

Keep in mind that if you keep multiple labidochromis (or aulonocara, pseudotropheus, etc) species together, you will almost certainly get hybrids.

You have so many species listed that I could come up with thousands of combinations. I'd suggest you decide what species you really like, and we can help you from there. :good:
only going to have abt 10 names from the list not sure yet

I understand that you only want 10 species, but which group are you wanting to go with. Do you want 10 species of haps, or 10 species of peacocks, or 10 species of mbuna. Or do you want a combination of haps/peacocks, or haps/mbuna, or peacocks/mbuna. I'd suggest not mixing haps/mbuna or peacocks/mbuna, since it's a bit tricky due to differing levels of aggression and dietary needs.

Say you want to go with mbuna, from your master list you have around 61 species of mbuna. I could give you hundreds (or thousands, math isn't my best subject :blush: ) of different combinations.

So, if you could decide what group you want (haps, peacocks, mbuna, haps/peacocks), then come up with 15-20 species from that group that you really like, we can help you narrow it down to 10. :good:

Does that make sense?
i have had them before but going to see wot every one thought of the list

the list edited here it is

list of the ones i like

Aulonocara / sp. firefish

Aulonocara / sp. rubin red
Rubin Red Peacock Cichlid

Aulonocara jacobfreibergi / sp. blue
Jacobfreibergi Peacock Cichlid Blue

Cynotilapia afra red top

Haplochromis / sp. ch 44

Labeotropheus / trewavasae red
Red-Top Cichlid, Trewavas'

Labidochromis / hongi

Pseudotropheus / zebra red ob

Pseudotropheus / gracilior

Haplochromis / likoma

Haplochromis / sp. yellow belly

Labeotropheus / trewavasae red
Red-Top Cichlid, Trewavas'
Thanks for the edited list, I'll go species by species.

Aulonocara / sp. firefish - Apparently a line bred fish from Germany. Like other peacocks, relatively peaceful, carnivore, max size around 5"

Aulonocara / sp. rubin red - I'm guessing another name for Aulonocara (Rubescens). Again, relatively peaceful, carnivore, max size around 5"
Rubin Red Peacock Cichlid

Aulonocara jacobfreibergi / sp. blue - These get around 7", relatively peaceful, carnivore, max size around 5"
Jacobfreibergi Peacock Cichlid Blue

Cynotilapia afra red top - Not sure which varient is the Red Top, however, an afra is an afra. They stay around 3", are mildly aggressive (by mbuna standards) and unlike most mbuna are carnivores, so they'd work well with either peacocks or any hap that doesn't get large enough to eat them.

Labeotropheus trewavasae red - One of my favorite species. They reach around 7" are aggressive, and are herbivores. They wouldn't mix well with the peacocks due to aggression and differing diet.
Red-Top Cichlid, Trewavas'

Labidochromis hongi - About 6", herbivores. Mildly aggressive towards other non-similar cichids, but aggressive towards conspecifics. IMO peacocks wouldn't mix well.

Pseudotropheus zebra red ob - Probably Metriaclima estherae (OB) (they're commonly mis-labeled). Around 5", herbivore. Another mildly aggressive towards other species, aggressive towards conspecifics, again peacocks are out with them.

Pseudotropheus / gracilior - the only gracilior I could find is Tropheops gracilior (Otter Pt.). About 5", aggressive, omnivores, wouldn't work with peacocks.

Victorian Basin
Haplochromis / sp. ch 44 - AKA Haplochromis sp. "Thick Skin". Victorian Basin cichlid. Carnivores, aggressive and reach around 5". They'd probably work well with the afras, but would beat up on the peacocks.

Haplochromis / sp. yellow belly - The only cichlid I could find commonly referred to as yellow belly is Astatotilapia aeneocolor - Victorian Basin, around 4", mildly aggressive towards other species, aggressive to conspecifics, omnivore. Would do well with mbuna, but would likely kill peacocks.

Haplochromis / likoma - there are quite a few cichlids from the Likoma area, not sure which one this is, but couldn't find any species specifically call Haplochromis Likoma

It seems you are leaning towards mbuna and Victorians. I'd drop off the peacocks, and pick 3 more mbuna species. :good:

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