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    A Pic, And A Question

    I turn my filter off 6 days a week so that my betta is able to make bubblenests as he chooses, and for the 7th day I do a 30% water change and have the filter running all day!
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    I Feel Stupid

    This is normal - I think it has something to do with the air temp being cooler than the temp in the tank!
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    My Tank...

    Fantastic pictures!! Do you have a full tank shot at all?
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    New C. trilineatus

    Hi Slakey my little ones love cucumber, when they eventually find it! They also enjoy peas, minus the shell. :)
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    What Book (or Books) Are You Currently Reading?

    I'm reading His Dark Materials Trilogy at the moment by Phil Pullman!
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    Favourite Pc Games

    Football Manager :unsure: Medal of Honour Allied Assault online
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    Backtotropical's Main Tank

    My thoughts exactly! You've transformed the tank from the very first picture in to a real home! Great setup!
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    Interesting Site

    Really makes you sit there and just think about it for a second... :crazy:
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    Introducing Blumer

    I'm afraid I didn't! I bought him off a lady called Wendy, found her eBay link through this site somewhere...
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    Introducing Blumer

    Meet Blumer, my male betta! Hatched 06/06/07. I'm not too sure what tail type he is, as I'm not too familiar with the different varieties. Please excuse the poor quality pictures. I have a fairly decent camera I've just not got around to adjusting the settings! :good:
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    Great Betta Food.

    I have just converted to Hikari Beta Bio Gold pellets, needless to say he loves it!
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    Biorb- 8 U.s Gal/ 30 Liters

    I have one of these tanks which houses a male betta and an oto, I have never had any problems!!
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    More Carpet Questions

    Have you tried greenline? click
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    Names For Bettas

    My betta is completely blue all over. Naturally, being a Man City fan I named him 'Blumer'. Simple. :hyper:
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    How To Make One Of These...

    Its just simple animation. The whole thing consists of about 7 different images all of the same thing but moved slightly to the right, with the mouth opening and closing. When you have all of your separate images you place them one after the other using Adobe ImageReady!
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    Carpet Plant?

    Check out this post.
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    My Betta Keeps Turning...

    I never thought of cutting through it, I also assumed it would just crush! I decided to try and feed him today after just over two days. I can tell he is hungry as he gets all excited every time I approach the tank. As soon as I put the flakes in, he chewed them and spat them straight back out!
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    My Betta Keeps Turning...

    ...his nose up at my food! I have tried flake, frozen/dried bloodworm and brine shrimp. Occasionally he will nibble at the bloodworm, but 95% of the block sinks to the bottom and rots. I have tried not feeding him for two days and then introducing him to flake, pellets and such but still he...
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    Glass Catfish Swimming Wildly And Spinning!

    Does he have any other glass catfish buddies? These usually live better in groups of no less than 3 I find!
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    Algae Eaters For Bettas?

    I took a leaf from your book and bought a Chinese algae eater also today! All is well so far, he has kind of got used to the idea now, and just turns his nose up at him. :good:
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    What Should I Consider

    I tried to introduce a couple of neons in the same tank of my betta today and he wouldn't rest until he caught them both, so I had to take them out right away!
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    How Long Have You Had Your Dwarf?

    My Dwarf Gourami was one of my very first fish and strangely enough he also happens to be one of my friendliest fish in the community tank. He looks great when my blue led night light shines on him, prancing around like he owns the place! I've had him since August. I'm a newbie :)
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    A couple of these:- The tank is already matured and cycled, just trying to find another home for some fish I already have!
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    I currently have a tank community set up of 5 mollies, 2 gourami, 8 neon tetra 2 glass catfish and 2 albino algae eaters (all with the exception of the algae eaters I'm looking to re-home) and I want to start up a tank with 1 male betta - would he be settled in a tank on his own with 2 albino...
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    My Little Ones Are Finally Growing Up!

    Ah right, lol! Don't take this as an insult to your betta-breeding-intelligence, but can you briefly share with me of how their breeding habbits work? I was of understand these are difficult fish, and should be kept a lone. (still learning). I'm 99.9% sure one of my dalmatian Mollies is going...
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    Golden Retriever

    Retrievers of a young age can also be very mischievous if not trained, so I'd be surprised if you came back to a house in 1 piece :hyper:
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    My Little Ones Are Finally Growing Up!

    That's wicked, it's cool to see the process. Did you find it difficult to get them to breed, or wasn't this your first time? S
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    Jewel Trigon 190

    Hi all, I hope you all had a great weekend. I'm seriously considering upgrading to a Jewel Trigon 190, after I have done a little more reading up on these forums of course, and I have a few questions you may be able to help with! Are these tanks suitable for planted/tropical aquariums? As the...
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    Greetings to all! My name is Steve. I managed to find my way here while looking for some info on planted fish tank set ups... I currently only have a biOrb (my first one, go easy) :blush: and I am looking to invest in a Juwel Trigon 190l in the not too distant future (tropical, not marine). S