A Pic, And A Question


Fish Fanatic
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
Dorset, UK
Here's a pic of my new xmas pressy:


He's currently on his own in a 3 gallon tank with a few plants and a mini filter, no heater but the temp should be fine at 73 degrees.

My question is.. the small filter is very loud and quite strong, is it possible to run the tank without the filter providing 1/3 water changes are weekly?
Im also planning on adding 3 friends for him, either harlequins or cardinal tetras... is this ok?
He hasn't eaten anything in 2 days either... ive tried sinking pellets and frozen bloodworm but he just swims straight past ignoring the food.

Hmmm not sure about other stuff but sadly ur tanks already at it's max.
5G is reccomended Min for a Betta so u really shouldn't be adding anything.
73 is about 23 isnt it? if so thats to cold,I would advise you to get a heater for him asap.But for the mean time if u dont have a light on him i would put a lamp on his tank to help heat it up,this also might be the reason for him not eating.Just an opinion,


Oh hes a beauty :good:
Good point totaly missed that.
Hmm it could just be the picture but does his scales look abit raised from his body?
Kinda like a Pinecone?
lamp is now on the tank to warm it up.

What about the filter, is it essential?
filter is not essential,turn it off if current to much for betta.The slight raising of the scales is probly due to the cold temp of tank.
when I have new bettas I dont feed them for the first 48 hours. IMO they often dont eat for a few days anyway. :good:
excellent... so

warm the tank up a bit... say 80 degrees
remove filter
how often and how much water should I be cleaning with no filter?
I turn my filter off 6 days a week so that my betta is able to make bubblenests as he chooses, and for the 7th day I do a 30% water change and have the filter running all day!

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