What Should I Consider


Fish Crazy
Jan 19, 2007
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Michigan, United States
I recently put my betta Mr. Silver into a ten gallon tank. The thing is I really want more than one fish. I've been thinking about adding a group of harlequin rasboras and i've seen people have bettas in there community tanks all the time. I'm not sure if Mr. Silver has the right temperament to be around other fish though because he has never been around them before. What kind of behavioral traits should I consider before adding more fish into the tank? Does anyone have some advice on keeping a peaceful community tank with a betta?
I asked the same the article below is what I read earlier.
( A note on another site)
Rasboras, swords, platies and mollies are all compatable with bettas. Guppies really aren't good to keep with bettas because they see them as another male betta with those pretty and colorful tails.

I think the best choices for possible tank mates for him in a smaller tank would be rasboras, neons, cory cats and cardinal tetras. The others are livebearers, so unless you plan on more tanks it will get pretty crowded in there eventually. Swords get pretty big for a 10 gallon (up to 5 inches) so they do better in 20 gallons or larger.

You are wise to limit the number of fish. The maximum population for a tank with fish that stay below about 3 inches is one inch of fish per gallon. You will have to consider the adult size of each fish when you calculate. Go to a site like fishprofiles.com for info on all types of fish and what they need.
I moved Aladdin (blue superdelta male betta) into a 10 gallon heated, filtered tank with 7 albino cories. All are doing well and get along great.
I tried to introduce a couple of neons in the same tank of my betta today and he wouldn't rest until he caught them both, so I had to take them out right away!
i keep my betta with dwarf gouramis and cardinal tetras.

i can highly reccomend the cardinal tetras.

dont think that your betta wont chase things around occasionally coz it will but if he isnt flaring it should be ok.

do NOT put any kind of sharks in, they will tear it to shreads.

observe at feeding time as this is when fish may nip the betta.

good luck and keep us posted.
Dont put neons in with your betta.
They will rip its fins to shreds :/
Not a male betta, but female bettas. They ignored each other. The Harlequin Rasboras pretty well stick to themselves.
I know its only two days but I have had no trouble with my platy's in fact they are so happy unbelievable. Betta eats from the top ande the lazy platy's eat what sinks down. The colour of my Betta is blue and he looks great with the orange platy's.

I have two fry about three weeks old and they are not eaten and swim near him.

I may think of corydoras now as that would look good.

I also may not the swordtails now as i am unsure whether they will get on.

Neons nip badly and I now have them alone which are not doing so well.
I had my betta male in a 10 gal with neons, shrimp and for 6 months everything was fine. One day my betta decided to atack everybody else. And, yes he can catch a neon. On the other hand I never saw neons nipping his fins just avoiding him.
I have had my betta in a 10 gallon community tank since day 1, I started with my betta (Red Fish) and three African Dwarf frogs (larry, Moe, and Curly), after a couple months I added a Pleco, and a Dwarf sucking catfish. More recently I adde 5 neons. I was new at this and still am, and finally the 10 gallon started having water problems from overcrowding, so I got a 29 gallong tank with a much better filtration system. They all get along fine together. In both tanks the Red fish loves to swim around the entire tank and pretty much explore everythig.
He really isn't aggressive towards the others, he will get close to them and look and then swim off. I've only seen him get aggressive once, and that was when he jumped at one of the frogs when it swam up for air next to him.
The good part about my learning is that I now have a hospital tank. That I pray doesn't get used.
Can I just say with bettas in community tanks with other fish it is ALWAYS going to depend on the individual nature of that particular betta. Ive had many bettas and they have all been different, but in the long run they have all had their own tank as they've either eaten fish or been on the receiving end of fin nipping :crazy:

I will agree on the fact that neons will get their tails eaten by the bettas as I lost 5 of mine overnight to an ogre of a betta once :unsure:

Good luck :D

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