My Betta Keeps Turning...


New Member
Oct 21, 2007
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...his nose up at my food! I have tried flake, frozen/dried bloodworm and brine shrimp. Occasionally he will nibble at the bloodworm, but 95% of the block sinks to the bottom and rots. I have tried not feeding him for two days and then introducing him to flake, pellets and such but still he refuses! I am in the process of ordering some betta pro which is my last resort. I'm also considering adding 1 other fish in there to clear out any left over food he doesn't eat, which is quite a lot. Feel free to throw a few ideas my way!

:shout: little devil. If he was mine, I would clean his tank out so there is no waste food at all. Talk to him, and look at him as if you were going to feed him for at least 3 days but dont feed him. On the third day put in a tiny bit of food. I bet he eats it. I dont think putting another fish to clear up will work. One small point is his water warm as they go sluggish when temp. drops and then they wont eat. :good: :good:
If you are using the frozen blocks i would cut just a really thin slice off while its still frozen and just defrost that little bit.. Will cut down on waste and will help with the quality of the water.. Most of them eat when they are hungry. :D
If you are using the frozen blocks i would cut just a really thin slice off while its still frozen and just defrost that little bit.. Will cut down on waste and will help with the quality of the water.. Most of them eat when they are hungry. :D

I never thought of cutting through it, I also assumed it would just crush!

I decided to try and feed him today after just over two days. I can tell he is hungry as he gets all excited every time I approach the tank. As soon as I put the flakes in, he chewed them and spat them straight back out!
Guess he doesn't like the flakes. I have 18 betta's and not one of them will eat flake.. They all prefer the little pellets.. Can you get hold of Atisons Betta or Pro ? Even my fussy eaters love that... :rolleyes:

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