Great Betta Food.


Getting old, but nowhere near knackered, i just lo
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bournemouth Uk
found that after months of stuck up bettas that would only eat the best things i would try the best of the BEST and every single betta including fry love the stuff, wolf it down like theres no tomorrow :lol: after using this for almost a week my fry have started to develope intense colours of steel when before they we just white, my females have egged up in record speed, my males think that theyve landed in heaven :lol: :fun: and in general with combining this with live foods ive got a happy breeding and stock room of well fed bettas.

found it on ebay, theres only 2 sellers on there at the moment and this one is the cheapest by far on item and P&P, I AM NOT THE SELLER as may of you know my ebay name as it is, and not getting any commision either but i think i should with all this typing :look:

As a retailer of this trade even i find it hard to get hold of atm through wholesale so i though why not take advantage of this item and great price on ebay, so i got some as you will see in their feedback. some might say that the ingredients are not good for the bettas but i have to disagree tas he improvement on my lot in a matter of days is fantastic, and theres less water changes b/c if dont sink and go stale in the bottom of the tank

OH YEAH :S :S :S almost forgot, heres the link DUH!!!!!!
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

and my spelling it really bad today but cant be bothered to edit it all so please excuse my typing mistkess...........see it happened again
i am trying some tiny pellet food made from live foods i bought off ebay for my betta, as he would only eat a few flakes then decide to spit the rest of after that.....but i think this new betta food is holding well :)
I use the betta Pro for my lot, they love it and i have found that since i have been using it i have had no bloat and no mopey fish. Daz is also right in saying it brings out good colour coz it did in mine
I have just converted to Hikari Beta Bio Gold pellets, needless to say he loves it!
Sorry I didn't know that was his Ebay profile :blush:
yep thats me, ibble has outed me :lol:

ive got a pink, silver and black CT who was on his way out and didnt know what to do for him as daily water changes and anything i could think of just wasnt having any effect, but he has in 2 days pulled through and is swimming around in his tank like he has never done before, great, considering he was lying on the base of the tank gasping for air 48 hours ago and wouldnt eat a damn thing, its all down to this food, if i could eat it myself i would. wonder if it gets rid of grey hairs LOL
All mine love Atisons.... They all sound like jaws at feeding time, a couple of the boys and some of the girls jump up and snatch if you're not putting it in quick enough!!! They all have great colour too..
Buy mine from KG Betta's.

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