Glass Catfish Swimming Wildly And Spinning!


New Member
Nov 17, 2007
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northern California USA
I have a lone glass catfish in a 10 gallon tank with a couple of guppies. A few days ago he started to swim vertically (straight up and down). Today it is swimming wildly. Its spinning and zipping through the tank. It makes me dizzy just looking at the poor guy. I assumed he was stressed out so I did a 20% water change. He's still acting crazy. The guy at the store I bought him at said they had no problems living alone but now I'm reading that they need to be in groups. Could this loneliness be making him crazy? Or could it be a disease? HELP!
I have no idea what it is, but my dwarf puffer started doing the same thing 3 days ago and crashing into the decor. Today, I came home to a dead dp. Turning off the lights did seem to help though. Sorry I am not able to help.

Does he have any other glass catfish buddies? These usually live better in groups of no less than 3 I find!
Well I've not had any success figuring out exactly what the problem is. I'm going to assume it's stress related and get a glass cat buddy. Hopefully this will help but the people at the pet stores seem to think I should accept that he's going to die soon and there's nothing anyone can do.
I'm really surprised that this is such unheard of behavior. I've kept the light off to help him. He's been spinning for 3 straight days though.
Is he eating okay? If not, the glass cat buddy might help. How old is he? It could be time for him to move on to the big tank in the sky. Also, maybe check his barbels (whiskers). If one or both are worn down or gone, then that could be the problem. Is he swimming in bursts and hitting decor or just swimming normally (minus the spinning of course). If the barbels are worn down or gone, and otherwise the swimming problem is acting normally, I wouldn't worry about it.


EDIT: You might want to try posting this in the emergency section, they might be able to give some help.
Is he eating okay? If not, the glass cat buddy might help. How old is he? It could be time for him to move on to the big tank in the sky. Also, maybe check his barbels (whiskers). If one or both are worn down or gone, then that could be the problem. Is he swimming in bursts and hitting decor or just swimming normally (minus the spinning of course). If the barbels are worn down or gone, and otherwise the swimming problem is acting normally, I wouldn't worry about it.


EDIT: You might want to try posting this in the emergency section, they might be able to give some help.

He is eating ok. Although it appears to be difficult for him to see the food the way he's spinning. He is less than a year old. So it's not age. His barbels are not worn down or gone. I'm certain it's stress related or a disease. Thanks for everyone's help.
If it's all by could be either stress or disease.

Part of his issue...he needs more friends. Glass Catfish, depending on the exact species, need to be kept with, a minimum, of 3. One single fish WILL be very stressed. I would do a bit of research to figure out which species you have, and how many you need to buy.
i feel five is the best minimum :)

I have two glass catfish and one of mine started spinning and facing vertical about two weeks ago. He is still eating ok and his partner seems fine. Man he must be dizzy.

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