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  1. KitKat88

    Not Really New But I Need An Answer To A Question

    So here is a question. My boyfriend is going into his second semester of Med school. I am planning on getting him a fish since fish tanks are supposedly relaxing. I have my own fish college. But I was wondering should I get him a betta or another fish?? He needs a stress free pet since he's...
  2. KitKat88


    Thank you for your help it seems he's doing a lot better today but I am goingto leave his tank with the cup in it and change it when I get back Sunday. Do you thing that is okay? I also emailed my mom to see if she can get me a small but tall rock fixture for the tank.
  3. KitKat88


    would a small tea mug work for him to hind under? I am a bit far away from a pet store so I don't have much to put in the tank and he's going to be left with my roommate all weekend. And should I probably skip his feedings tomorrow and friday and have her feed him something Saturday?
  4. KitKat88


    So I cleaned My Betta's tank today and wtf?!?! he's floating and tries diving down but keeps floating back up. It seems like it's his tail end the is dragging him back up. Help ASAP!!!
  5. KitKat88

    *new Addition** New Pics Added.. 18.11.07

    I really like his coloring, Specially the turquoise. Is he a Delta?
  6. KitKat88

    Another Rescue With Photos

    You are the betta super hero :P ! May I draw the Super hero verson of you :lol:
  7. KitKat88

    Scratched Or Not Feeling Well

    Okay so last week when I was cleaning the tank I think Wendy-Pepper got scratched because it looked like a tiny bit of scales or something was hang off his face by his gills. So Ever since then he's just been hanging around the bottom of the tank. So I was worried his was sick but I couldn't...
  8. KitKat88

    What's Your Fav Tail

    I have a VT fish I've seen CT and they look interesting but I really want to find a Delta... >> <<
  9. KitKat88

    R.i.p Pluto

    I am sorry for your loss and I understand how stressful it can be for Betta's and moving from one place to the other
  10. KitKat88

    Could Someone Help Me, Petstore People Are No Help

    you might want to get something to put in your tank like a small rock sculpture, because when I was talking to other here about fish blaring if you try and make him blare they need something to hid behind. Like even when I don't have a mirror up to my tank to make him blare he's always hanging...
  11. KitKat88

    Is This Normal?

    Where have you heard about them being put in jam jars in the state? The Petco by my school has them in Squished plastic cups which gives them space to swim but not much between the bottom and top. And then a LFS in Indiana keeps them in the little glass bowls and then the store where I get mine...
  12. KitKat88

    Could Someone Help Me, Petstore People Are No Help

    Listen to everyone about the Tank I have a one gallon No filter (My betta has been a lot happier with out a filter) and One gallon is perfect for the college dorm room XP! (Not knowing how old you are though) I feed my fish flakes just because he eats them and I a worried if I give him anything...
  13. KitKat88

    Types Of Betta's And Their Eating Habits

    My last Betta I fed Tera Pellets to and at first it would only eat the red and dark brown ones and then all and then the light brown ones when he started getting sick And My New betta luckily for me likes to eat the flakes... I am nervous about giving hm anything else because he might get too...
  14. KitKat88

    Fry @ 5 Weeks

    So cute and tiny I have never seen betta fry before!
  15. KitKat88

    Yes Filter Or No Filter

    eep okay! Thank you for telling me!!
  16. KitKat88

    Depressed Fish

    If you want to keep a filter when and if you move him to a one gallon tank try it for a few days and then take it out and see how that is. My Fish Wendy-Pepper has been a lot more active and happier since I took out his filter.
  17. KitKat88

    Yes Filter Or No Filter

    Update: So I decided to try mixing both the waters, because when I cleaned the tank ever thing had a chalky feel to it. So I think that was in the minerals in the water. I filled up a jug with tap water and made sure it was hot so things would evaporate? Maybe? But he 's happily swimming around...
  18. KitKat88

    Yes Filter Or No Filter

    Sweet Thanks you guys, because I think the water harmed my last fish or it just got too stressed when I cleaned the tanks (that s why I got a stress coat this time for his water) It's water changing day!! so this means I will used up one of my jugs and I'll try filling up the jug with tap water...
  19. KitKat88

    Some Of My Girls

    Soo pretty all of them!! I like the coloring of the blue one!
  20. KitKat88

    Yes Filter Or No Filter

    Yeah when I change his tank tomorrow and finish off the one jug I will fill it up with water. Should I put any of the treatment it at all?? erm are those portable??? Where can I find one then because I am in a college dorm room right now. And will be for a while (But I do plan when I go home to...
  21. KitKat88

    Yes Filter Or No Filter

    Well hopefully he can survive with once a week for now because I can't get more jugs of spring water untill next weekend I go home u-u Yes I used jug water because it's better then the City water in Chicago and then nearest Target, Walmart and Kmart it takes forever to get to T_T Thank you...
  22. KitKat88

    Yes Filter Or No Filter

    Will do :good: Anyone have any other tips for me?? Like feeding?? I am keeping him on flakes right now because he likes them and I am worried about him getting too picky...
  23. KitKat88

    Yes Filter Or No Filter

    He mad a good bubble nest when I came back from my homecoming concert!! :hyper:
  24. KitKat88

    Yes Filter Or No Filter

    no to be honest I don't u-u I went on here originally to help me with my last betta who got a bad case of fungal or something and died shortly after. I've hade only lizards and birds before I got my Betta. I bought a betta to keep me company while I was in college and away from my other pets...
  25. KitKat88

    Yes Filter Or No Filter

    okay that might of been what he was doing when I have the filter in the tank because he would chase after some of those bubbles every now and then. So when I clean the tank this weekend I will make sure I take out the filter. And maybe I'll pick up something else for his tank when I go out this...
  26. KitKat88

    Yes Filter Or No Filter

    Yes filter or no filter for my tank. When we where talking about tanks or bowls on another topic someone mentioned that I should see if my betta likes the filter or not. So I unplugged the filter this morning and I am seeing Wendy-pepper stay around the top of the tank more, he's blowing...
  27. KitKat88

    Bowl Or Tank

    Crap... maybe I should of done that with my last betta T_T!!! So much went wrong with that one T_T!!! This one doesn't seem to mind it though... I don't know if he likes the bubbles or not from it. He's only been in thre for about 4 or so days so far.
  28. KitKat88

    Bowl Or Tank

    Well I've never really had a Betta until Mizu and Wendy-Pepper but I thought a tank would be better because it gives it more space... and aren't filters suppossed to be good for fish? Mine seems to like to play with the bubbles from the filter.
  29. KitKat88

    Rescued Betta

    Pet stores let that happen to fish?? Or was he some place else?? Poor baby...
  30. KitKat88

    Betta Flaring

    What they can eat their tails and it will grow back??? also for everyone else is it normal that Wendy-Pepper is flaring one side and not the other when he is right up againist the side of the tank (The flaring is on the side the the mirror fish can see him on). Oh I also find it funny when...
  31. KitKat88

    I Love Unintelligent Pet Store Personel

    I just don't like Petco in general. The have some pretty crowntail bettas at the local on here. But in one of their other tanks the had 4 dead fish at the bottom of the tank. Also their cockatiels I think where badly taken care of (Sorry I had to throw that in I've had a very happy cockatiel...
  32. KitKat88

    Betta Flaring

    I think it's okay, right? I read some place you can let you betta see it's reflection in a mirror (or look at other betta). I usually leave a mirror on the side of my tank for like 5 minutes or less. I always worry about my Betta being bored since he's in the room alone a lot of the time.
  33. KitKat88

    Pictures Of My Fishes

    Pretty pretty but to the last one I have to say Angry Betta is angry?
  34. KitKat88

    Worried About Boredum

    Well I guess I am still scared about what happened to my first betta. For those who don't know. My first Betta Mizu only lasted 2 weeks. I guess I didn't clean his take properly or did something with the water and he had white fuzzy stuffs growing on him and wasn't eating much before that...
  35. KitKat88

    Going After Food Between The Rocks

    I hope these help. They are lager rocks I used to have more but when Mizu did the same thing it freaked me out so I didn't put in many. Rocks: The tank is also 1 gallon.
  36. KitKat88

    Back And New Betta

    I told my roommate that and she almost wanted to change WP's Name. lol thank you! Him or the name? Thank you thank you and so is your new betta... Saddly WP only has a 1 gallon... I don't think a 20 gallon would fit in my dorm. :unsure:
  37. KitKat88

    Going After Food Between The Rocks

    I am seeing some what of the same problem that happened with my last betta. I know they are piggy fish and you have to try not and over feed them. But WP is doing the same thing my last betta (Mizu) did and is going after the food at the bottom of the tank. To do that though he has to shove...
  38. KitKat88

    Back And New Betta

    Some of you may know I posted on here 2 or more weeks ago freaking out about my betta that had like ick or something on it. I went home this weekend and after letting my Fish tank sit out and dry for two weeks. I cleaned it up got a few new things for the fish tank such as new flaky food because...
  39. KitKat88

    My Betta Is Sick! Help Me!

    I changed the water a week after we put him in the tank and this stuff started happening. This my first time ever really having a fish... I had some when I was little but my Mom cleaned the tanks. Now I am off at college and I've never lived with out a pet before. I toook really good care of...
  40. KitKat88

    My Betta Is Sick! Help Me!

    omg! I just realized that's what happened over the weekend like Last week it was hot in the room and this week we closed the windows because it go so cold it even made me sick. He is in a nice one gallon BTW I refused to keep him in a bowl.