Is This Normal?

No but i hate them too :grr: its in Basildon

Now there's a thing, I was in there today... even the fish on the floor didn't look happy, they weren't particularly active, just sitting on the tank floor and you know what else, Danielle Mariette supplies the fish there.
the place in Basildon or Swallow Aquatics?

The place in Basildon, I took a trip there, was curious to see what the stock was like. Compared to their website, it was poo!!!
No but i hate them too :grr: its in Basildon

Now there's a thing, I was in there today... even the fish on the floor didn't look happy, they weren't particularly active, just sitting on the tank floor and you know what else, Danielle Mariette supplies the fish there.
the place in Basildon or Swallow Aquatics?

The place in Basildon, I took a trip there, was curious to see what the stock was like. Compared to their website, it was poo!!!
which place is it??
No but i hate them too :grr: its in Basildon

Now there's a thing, I was in there today... even the fish on the floor didn't look happy, they weren't particularly active, just sitting on the tank floor and you know what else, Danielle Mariette supplies the fish there.
the place in Basildon or Swallow Aquatics?

The place in Basildon, I took a trip there, was curious to see what the stock was like. Compared to their website, it was poo!!!
which place is it??

Fishy Friends but they are due 15 ct males this week and I may have to go back!
I haven't seen a store around here that doesn't keep them in small cups.

The worst one I've seen is small jars that they will stack literally 5 jars high. One betta on top of the other, and in a pyramid type thing so the ones at the "base" of the pyramid are inaccessible. :sick:
Where have you heard about them being put in jam jars in the state?

The Petco by my school has them in Squished plastic cups which gives them space to swim but not much between the bottom and top. And then a LFS in Indiana keeps them in the little glass bowls and then the store where I get mine had nice little cups with plenty of holes at the top for air.

And poor fishies... get them a better home...
it is a great shame they keep them like it, luckily i haven't found one yet or i'd have to take them all home :rolleyes:
But isn't that what they want, to sell them?
What that does is set the whole thing in motion again and again. People buy out of sympathy, but the fish are still being sold. Then the shop/store will see the are onto a winner and carry on with the puppy-dog-eyed fish in a jar.
It may seem inhumane, but the way I see it, would it not be better to simply not buy these fish in the hope that the seller's might get better educated. Telling the staff that you wll only buy a healthy and happy fish.
woah, i havent ever seen bettas in this condition...
Pets at home keep there bettas in roughly a 5-10 gallon tanks
the bad bit is theyre normally put in with tetras characins and other nibblers,
but mainly VT's soo not as lucky as some...
if im correct i think Jaydee aqautics stocks betta's locally
all pretty but i cant get there often :(
They are shipped to buyers in the little cups. My LFS keeps them in those cups until they are sold, and I used to think it was terrible, but now I work there and I can see that it's not as bad as it seems. The water is changed three times a week, and the fish are only fed three times a week to cut down on the waste produced. The fish are always colored up and active, and I hardly ever see one die or get sick- in fact there are less betta casualties than most of the other fish species there. I've bought quite a few bettas there and have never had a problem with any of them becoming unhealthy or dying later.

I'm not trying to make a blanket statement saying that it's fine to keep bettas in tiny cups. The water will much more quickly go south if regular changes aren't performed, which I'm sure they're not at many places, hence all the grungy water and dead bettas. It also makes customers think it's okay to permanently keep a betta in a tiny container, when these bettas are only in there for a couple weeks at the very most before they're sold off.

Would they enjoy having more space to swim? Of course. Would their water stay cleaner if they were in larger containers? Undoubtably. Will the owner ever upgrade them to better containers? No way. He doesn't make enough money on them to devote a larger space to them or buy them larger containers, and I think that's the issue with most pet stores that use them.
No but i hate them too :grr: its in Basildon

Now there's a thing, I was in there today... even the fish on the floor didn't look happy, they weren't particularly active, just sitting on the tank floor and you know what else, Danielle Mariette supplies the fish there.
the place in Basildon or Swallow Aquatics?

The place in Basildon, I took a trip there, was curious to see what the stock was like. Compared to their website, it was poo!!!
which place is it??

Fishy Friends but they are due 15 ct males this week and I may have to go back!
has anyone been to the aquatic shop in wickford? i can't remember the name of it
this family run shop sed they did keep them in jars above the tank but the council stopped them.But now there kpt with the other fish :angry: they should just get like 3 tanks and divide with canvass cheap and easy and doesnt take much room up.
Sounds like it's more common than we think. I work in Saudi but I don't have any bettas.
All 3 of the LFS's where I live keep them on their own in jam jars. If I can do anything let me know.

Regards, Don.
worst thing ive seen is the man at the pet shop by my mums tryed to sell me a dead betta i was like go away you creep go an save there life i stood out side there all week tellin people not to by there so he called the police i didnt go any where an the police shut the shop down i was like yes i mean coz the cups they where in had enogh water 2 cover them JUST

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