Yes Filter Or No Filter


New Member
Sep 14, 2007
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In a dormitory in River forest, IL
Yes filter or no filter for my tank. When we where talking about tanks or bowls on another topic someone mentioned that I should see if my betta likes the filter or not.

So I unplugged the filter this morning and I am seeing Wendy-pepper stay around the top of the tank more, he's blowing bubbles (does his miss the bubbles from the filter?) and his fins are perked up more?

Should I stay with his filter turned off?? Can I still only change my water once a week??? (He's in a one gallon tank and with my classes and studying and just running around I was hoping to change the water once a week. I have a thermometer in th tank and it's usually reading just about 80-85F)
None of mine like filters. I had one once in a divided tank. On the other side was a couple of mollies and they had an air stone. Every 5 minutes or so a bubble would escape to his side of the divider and he would rush over and attack it. In the end I had to peg the air line on the other side so it didn't disturb him. Silly fish! :shout:
okay that might of been what he was doing when I have the filter in the tank because he would chase after some of those bubbles every now and then. So when I clean the tank this weekend I will make sure I take out the filter. And maybe I'll pick up something else for his tank when I go out this weekend.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention he made bubble nest or nest while I was in art class >w<!! but the bubbles are quite random...
do you know much about bettas? they blow bubbles when they are "happy"
no to be honest I don't u-u I went on here originally to help me with my last betta who got a bad case of fungal or something and died shortly after. I've hade only lizards and birds before I got my Betta. I bought a betta to keep me company while I was in college and away from my other pets.

I am really glad my fish is happy then >w<!! (I also did some research on before I got this betta though.)
They love the hikari gold betta pellets, and live food. Although if you only have one that is too much to buy. Also a cooked de shelled mushed up pea! bloodworm (not freeze dried it gives them swim bladder..
They love the hikari gold betta pellets, and live food. Although if you only have one that is too much to buy. Also a cooked de shelled mushed up pea! bloodworm (not freeze dried it gives them swim bladder..

I am looking forward to geting my Betta and this is very interesting for me.

Can I ask the above to state freeze dried do you mean the frozon bloodworms? or dry.
They love the hikari gold betta pellets, and live food. Although if you only have one that is too much to buy. Also a cooked de shelled mushed up pea! bloodworm (not freeze dried it gives them swim bladder..

I am looking forward to geting my Betta and this is very interesting for me.

Can I ask the above to state freeze dried do you mean the frozon bloodworms? or dry.

She means the dry ones you buy in tups and boxes the frozen ones are ok, but again not for an every day diet
You could also hatch some brine shrimp at home. It's very easy and my betta loves them. (as a treat)

You might need to do water changes more often than once a week now you have no filter by the way. I'm not sure how often though as I've never had a 1 gallon. Maybe someone else can help you on that one
Well hopefully he can survive with once a week for now because I can't get more jugs of spring water untill next weekend I go home u-u

Yes I used jug water because it's better then the City water in Chicago and then nearest Target, Walmart and Kmart it takes forever to get to T_T

Thank you for telling me that though! <3
Well hopefully he can survive with once a week for now because I can't get more jugs of spring water untill next weekend I go home u-u

Yes I used jug water because it's better then the City water in Chicago and then nearest Target, Walmart and Kmart it takes forever to get to T_T

Thank you for telling me that though! <3

can you not fill a tub with tap water and let it stand for a couple of days?

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