

New Member
Sep 14, 2007
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In a dormitory in River forest, IL
So I cleaned My Betta's tank today and wtf?!?! he's floating and tries diving down but keeps floating back up. It seems like it's his tail end the is dragging him back up. Help ASAP!!!
it means he's having trouble with his swim bladder. reduce the water level to about 2-3 inches and keep him in a dark place with something to hide under. A lot of times if they stress themselves out this will happen - happened to my doubletails a few times. As long as he isn't showing any other signs of disease, there's a good chance that it will resolve itself in time.
would a small tea mug work for him to hind under? I am a bit far away from a pet store so I don't have much to put in the tank and he's going to be left with my roommate all weekend. And should I probably skip his feedings tomorrow and friday and have her feed him something Saturday?
that would probably do, just lower the water level so that the mug breaks the surface. It seems to make them more secure being at the surface if they can be under something. I imagine they feel less exposed to predation. also, if you want to just leave him, he will be fine not eating until you return, especially if the swim bladder is the result of constipation (also possible). Bettas can go quite a long time without food, a week won't cause him any problem.
Thank you for your help it seems he's doing a lot better today but I am goingto leave his tank with the cup in it and change it when I get back Sunday. Do you thing that is okay? I also emailed my mom to see if she can get me a small but tall rock fixture for the tank.

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