Depressed Fish


Fish Fanatic
Jun 28, 2007
Reaction score
Liverpool, England
My fighter samurii looks depressed. He hides behind the plants and sits on the filter.
He feeds when everything else has finished. He doesn't seem his feisty self.
What other fish/inverts is he in with?

By your comment "he feeds when everything else has finished" I'm assuming he is in a community tank. Some bettas just don't like the competition of other fish and prefer to be by themselves.

It could also be that the water flow from the filter is giving him problems swimming, does he seem to get blown around by it?
He lives with 4 catfish, 4 danios, 3 humbug snails and 2 balloon mollies

He does seem to have trouble when he swims in front of the filter
bettas like little or no filter current. I would personaly take him out and put him in his only little tank of 1g+ becuase those fish are no good with him especialy the danios and mollies.
If you want to keep a filter when and if you move him to a one gallon tank try it for a few days and then take it out and see how that is. My Fish Wendy-Pepper has been a lot more active and happier since I took out his filter.
A lot of Bettas become stressed when sharing with tankmates. They are solitary fish by nature and seem to thrive a lot better when kept in a tank by themselves.
As others have said, the filter could be causing him problems too as they prefer still water. Unfortnately, your other fish prefer to have a decent water flow so it's difficult trying to please all the fish. You would be better getting him his own little tank and you'll probably find that he's a lot happier. ;)

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