Yes Filter Or No Filter

mine has done much better in a small (3 gallon) tank with a small filter and heater and light. It's worth it, not having to clean 'every 2 minutes." He seems to thrive more than I've seen those without. --Wendy :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
can you not fill a tub with tap water and let it stand for a couple of days?

Yeah when I change his tank tomorrow and finish off the one jug I will fill it up with water. Should I put any of the treatment it at all??

or get a tap water filter thingy
erm are those portable??? Where can I find one then because I am in a college dorm room right now. And will be for a while (But I do plan when I go home to fill up my water jugs with water from the filtered water at home.)
hi, you can get a filter jug, it looks like a normal plastic water jug, but has a filter cartridge section in the top. It holds about 2 litres and you just fill the jug from the tap, wait a minute or so while the water goes through the filter, then pour it out normally. cheap, available from K-mart, and easily portable between uni and home......
hi, you can get a filter jug, it looks like a normal plastic water jug, but has a filter cartridge section in the top. It holds about 2 litres and you just fill the jug from the tap, wait a minute or so while the water goes through the filter, then pour it out normally. cheap, available from K-mart, and easily portable between uni and home......

Sorry but are they not chemical and are they safe?
they are not chemical, they are physical filters and they are safe AFAIK. (i drink from one, but have never used one for water changes.)
All you need to do is let air get to the water for a couple of days and all of the bad stuff will evaporate
Sweet Thanks you guys, because I think the water harmed my last fish or it just got too stressed when I cleaned the tanks (that
s why I got a stress coat this time for his water) It's water changing day!! so this means I will used up one of my jugs and I'll try filling up the jug with tap water and see how that goes.

I just worry about Chicago water. My roommate and I refuse to drink it right now it taste so weird.
Update: So I decided to try mixing both the waters, because when I cleaned the tank ever thing had a chalky feel to it. So I think that was in the minerals in the water. I filled up a jug with tap water and made sure it was hot so things would evaporate? Maybe?
But he 's happily swimming around in his tank. When I put him in the cup to clean his tank he flared at me as he was saying "WTF? You are putting me in this little thing???!"
Update: So I decided to try mixing both the waters, because when I cleaned the tank ever thing had a chalky feel to it. So I think that was in the minerals in the water. I filled up a jug with tap water and made sure it was hot so things would evaporate? Maybe?
But he 's happily swimming around in his tank. When I put him in the cup to clean his tank he flared at me as he was saying "WTF? You are putting me in this little thing???!"

My science professor actually says if you don't want the gunk from the pipes to be in your water to use cold, because particles can dissolve in hot water from the tap. Like. if you're making tea you use cold water so it won't cause mineral scale to build up in your kettle as much. So I'd assume if you didn't want gunk in your fish water, cold water would be better because hot would just put more things in it that need to evaporate away. Also, I may be wrong, but I don't think hotter water evaporates faster, I think it depends on how humid the air is.

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