Search results

  1. monica

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    Ahhhh, you have a westie! Me too!
  2. monica

    Wooo We Have Hatched!

    They are adorable! I miss my fry :sad:
  3. monica


    That was pretty rude FeroX. I would like to hear your question Ace Of Spades.
  4. monica

    Snail Infestation!

    Just be sure to wash any new plants with tapwater, the chlorine in the water will eliminate any eggs on the plant. Just for any future plant purchases.
  5. monica

    Am I The Only One Having This Problem?

    I usually go in, find what fish I do have in my lfs, then research which of the available ones I should get.
  6. monica

    Breeding In Java Moss

    I know White Cloud Mountain Minnows breed in bushy plats, not sure about moss...
  7. monica

    Heatter Gone Bad

    The one for my ten gallon makes a low humming that can get pretty annoying when you are trying to sleep. Though only when it shuts on and off. It has gotten better over the past couple months though. I was going to bring mine back too. I though it was going to blow up in the beginning or...
  8. monica

    Algae Eaters?

    I will try to post a pic, but it is not strandy, and grows on gravel, glass, and Caves. Aswell as fake plants.
  9. monica

    Algae Eaters?

    How can you know what type of algae you have to tell if the Otto will eat it?
  10. monica

    Algae Eaters?

    That's the weird thing... It does not get any artificial light, and has minimal contact with sunlight. And it grows in random spots... I will be heavily planting my tank when I move which will be in June or if the new house has a late closing, in august at the latest. Will an otto be fine until...
  11. monica

    Algae Eaters?

    How large will they get? And do you think female bettas would bother them at all?
  12. monica

    R.i.p Little Tocca

    awww, may she R.I.P. She is so lovely.
  13. monica

    Rhodesian Ridgeback

    Ridgebacks are lovely dogs
  14. monica

    My Pride And Joy

    awww, love the westie. I have one aswell. Such great personalities they have! I love the rottie aswell. Magnificent.
  15. monica

    Dumb, Dumb Mistake

    awww, too bad. I am sure they'll survive. Good luck!
  16. monica

    Stocking Help For My Tank...

    Just be sure you get all male platies. You could end up with quite a few more than you bargained for in teh beginning if yuo get any females.
  17. monica

    Algae Eaters?

    I was wondering the best kind of algae eater for a 10 gallon? I will also be needing one for a 5.5 gallon aswell. I would prefer one that will be eating algae constantly, as this problem has arisen after years of algae-free aquariums. I would need one that fits into the above aquariums, will not...
  18. monica

    Weird And Wacky Pets

    I kept grasshoppers :P And a small spider once that I fed wasps and flies and all sorts of stuff. That laster quite a while. I kept a wild bird for a bit, and other than that all my pets have been pretty 'normal'
  19. monica

    Fish Names

    I like to name my new fish of events that just occured or characters from the book I recently read. For example I have had Aro (from Twilight) Thror (from The Hobbit) Jasper (from Twilight, and the street next to mine) Rosemary (from the Giver) And lots of other names
  20. monica

    New Male And Female Fish!

    But the 'girl' has breeding bars... so would she not be a she? Looks like a PK female....
  21. monica

    Lets See Some Planted Betta Tanks

    They are all so lovely! I don't have one (yet :shifty:) Whever I have the time and money I will be setting one up :D
  22. monica

    Best Spawner

    I'd go with copper girl
  23. monica

    Elvis The King

    He is lovely :D
  24. monica

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    Well only one of the ends has blonde hair. The other has dark. And she said the one on the right ;)
  25. monica


  26. monica

    Chance, Kanika And Doris!

    I second the nomination, Adorable!
  27. monica

    Dogs And A Pet Sheep

    Cute sheep and adorable dogs.
  28. monica

    My Babies

    Adorable :D Have you habd-tamed your budgie? Those are ginormous snails!
  29. monica


    Will you be hand taming them? Lovely birds.
  30. monica

    Is She A Vt

    She might be a delta.
  31. monica

    My Newest Boy *pictures Just Added*

    Yeah, well not anymore :crazy:
  32. monica

    My Ohm Boy

    Lovely :drool:
  33. monica

    What Type Of Female Betta Do I Have?

    A beuatifully coloured female veiltail.
  34. monica

    Friends For Bettas

    White Clouds (Mountain Minnows) would be good.
  35. monica

    Anyone Designed Their Tank Like It Would Be In The Wild?

    Yes, a link would be wonderful :D BTW, Modaz, is that your puppy? I have wondered but never asked. Very cute.
  36. monica

    Oh No!

    Yep. just a few days ago it happened to my little female. I used Bettafix and Aquarium Salt, and she is healing quite nicely. In addition, clean water. ((Consider yourself enlightened)) When you say it was red on the end of the tail, do you mean a pinkish tinge? or was it like blood red? I do...
  37. monica

    My Newest Boy *pictures Just Added*

    This guy recently died. Not too sure of the cause, depression, and some little white fungusy splotch that would go away and come back. Poor guy. R.I.P.
  38. monica

    Guys I Dont Know What To Do!

    Pics! Hope you find a really nice one!
  39. monica

    Oh No!

    Well first let him out from behind the filter.... They breath air and he will drown if he is not let out immediately.
  40. monica

    Spawn Gone Very Strange....

    I have heard this is a possibility. She probably had over-ripe eggs and thought she had spawned with a male so released them herself and placed them in her 'nest'. Could also be that she is a transgender (hermaphrodite) and can release her own fertile eggs. So I would wait and see.