Friends For Bettas


Fish Herder
Feb 11, 2008
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hi there ive just got a new tank delivered (they forgot the stand lol) and my partner would love to have a male betta. Would he be ok in a 3ft planted tank with some corys and a few friends? If so what friends could i put in?

thanx scot
it depends on the bettas personality, some will toletate anythink as long as it doesn't bother them, others will tolerate only bottom dwellers like cories plecos etc and others tolerate nothing at all, i suggest if you want a betta get a 2-5gal and keep one in there, they are solitary fish and he'll warm to you easier, also there is no risk of him hurting or being hurt by other fish :good:
as said before its down to individual fish, my betta lives with other fish and he's fine, also it's what the other fish might do to the betta, so if you're going to attempt fishy friends you've done the right thing by researching.
Also if you're going to do it have a backup plan ready, spare tank or tank divider!
In my experience tetra are not good friends, they are nippy and this can cause finrot issues, barbs are nippy also, although some people have had success with cherries, but to be honest i'd not risk even those.
Danios and white clouds make good tank mates, but may stress some bettas out, mine loved danios!
Rasboras make excellent tank mates, they are non aggressive and pretty little fish, I currently have these living with my betta, as well as a pitbull pleco.
Small bottom dwellers like pitbull or bulldog plecos are good tank mates, and many people keep cories as betta friends.
Guppies are to be avoided as bettas can misread them for competition and injure guppies, also if you're wanting any fish babies the betta will not be a good addition as they eat young fry, i've witnessed this when my danios used to spawn!

but have a think, and have a go as long as you have a backup :)
Like hollyp0p said, many of the fish that don't bother bettas are good choices as tank mates. I personally like to use platies with them but you never know what the personality of the next betta might be. When I put mine with a new fish I'll watch him for a while to be sure things are OK. So far I have been quite fortunate and not had any combinations go bad on me. One that I was almost certain of not being successful was when I put shrimps in with a betta and some platies. Sure enough, now and then the betta and a platy will share a shrimp lunch together.

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