Am I The Only One Having This Problem?


Fish Crazy
Feb 20, 2008
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I mean, it's all great doing the research to find the fish you want, but after doing the research, the hardest part is actually finding a petstore/ fish store that sells the species you're looking for! At least that's the way I feel... go to as many pet stores as often as I can, but most of the fish I'm looking for just aren't available! Blind cave fish, bumblebee gobies, pitbull plecs, glass catfish...all these fish I was planning on getting, but I can't find anywhere! How do you guys solve this problem? Do you buy fish online?
I have trouble finding the fish that i want all the time also, but im too scared to order any fish online. :X
I never have this problem, Im on the outskirts of London, Essex. With a dad in london who a Regualy visit, so the fish I can and cant get are few and far between
Yeah, well, I can understand that! Never done it myself... I've been tempted to buy bettas online though. Kinda figured they'd have to most chance of making it safe and sure would be the easy way out! :/

I never have this problem, Im on the outskirts of London, Essex. With a dad in london who a Regualy visit, so the fish I can and cant get are few and far between

That's pretty lucky!
I've had that problem many many times, since the fish I am interested in are usually fairly rare, so most of my fish are from online vendors. is a great place to start looking for fish (most are only if you are in the US, though) that you can't find in the stores. Also, go to your nearest lfs and ask the person in charge to special order fish for you. Many will, since they know you will do business with them.

Good luck! :)
Im trying a fish auction out next week and maybe I'll find some of the fish taht i have been wanting :D
when i want new fish, stupidly i go out and look at them first before doing research :blush:

but now i will research before buying them although i bet i'd have the same problem as you're having - if i didn't have bad luck i wouldn't have any luck at all!
I have the problem of finding too many fish that I want and not enough room!
A fish club auction is an exellent idea. Many fish club members who sell fish there are interested in things that are out of the ordinary so its a good place to get the less common fish. Another plus is that you know they were raised locally and have not spent the last week being shipped in from the orient. Somehow I find that reassuring.
Really its just a waiting game, i have finally got nearly all the fish on my wishlist after years and years of waiting for them to become available, just the dragon knife fish and pacman catfish to go and i'll be a very happy man.

All the fish you listed are fairly common in the hobby so it shouldnt be too long before you find some.
yes i do get this problem lol...but my typical luck is to find out what lfs has the fish i i go there and they are sold out...or its "you have to wait another week for the stock too come in " lol :p
Really its just a waiting game, i have finally got nearly all the fish on my wishlist after years and years of waiting for them to become available, just the dragon knife fish and pacman catfish to go and i'll be a very happy man.

All the fish you listed are fairly common in the hobby so it shouldnt be too long before you find some.
It's a shame that you are in the UK, CFC, or I would ship my dragon to you!
Ya it's a pain to not be able to find what you want. I recently went through the same thing and one thing I notice is if you rush most of the time the fish you get become very stressed or die in not all cases but some. Its good to always find info for what your wanting also its best if you have an aquatic specialty store close or near to you cause if your afraid of getting fish online they'll most likely get what you want. That's what I did I got 2 pearl gouramis cause nobody else had them. But funny thing is is that everything you want they have at my petsmart. Also Many stores will get seasonal species or get other fish during different times of the year. Another thing to do to is if you see somthing you've been looking for a long time and it dosn't look healthy do not get it because most of the time it will die and it will feel even worse then not getting it, I know cause its happend to me a couple of times.

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