Weird And Wacky Pets


Jun 20, 2007
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Long Island, NY
What odd creatures have you kept as pets?

I used to have a praying mantis that I saved from the dogs. They had torn it's wings off, so I kept it in a cage and fed it things I caught outside until it healed. It actually became quite comfortable with being handled. I released it about a year ago. I miss her, but she deserved to be free.

I also used to have a hissing roach but one day it just up and died. it didn't like being touched, but was cute.

I want to get a stick bug, and maybe a giant millipede.
i too used to have a praying mantis, many years ago. we used to have a terrarium so we kept it in there. i can't remember what happened to it since i was very young at the time. a few years back, i bought and hatched a praying mantis egg sack from my local gardening store. it was really cool, we had maybe about 100 babies. all of them were released into our backyard.

i once kept a baby squirrel. a crow had taken it out of its nest and tried to eat it but dropped it instead. we brought it home and tried to care for it. it was so young, it didn't even have it's eyes open. we named it "rocky". we tried feeding it formula but it didn't do too well and eventually died after a few days. :(

my house has 2 outdoor cats and over the years, they've brought home a lot of things that we've had to care for. we've had wild animals ranging from birds, to chipmunks, mice and rabbits. if they were able to be saved, we always cared for them until they were healthy enough to be released back into the wild. another time, we had a baby blue jay. omg that thing used to squalk from sunup to sundown. lots of fond memories. :)
I've had an albino hedgehog, a chinchilla that was born without eyes, and various reptiles and amphibians.
stick insects... that's about it :(

everything else is normal :shifty:
I kept grasshoppers :p And a small spider once that I fed wasps and flies and all sorts of stuff. That laster quite a while. I kept a wild bird for a bit, and other than that all my pets have been pretty 'normal'
I had two Pacman Frogs :X Big smushy lumps that bury themselves in dirt, are so big they can't move and can grow the size of two fists (men's) which means they can eat boyfriends tried to eat a young cat once :blink:
oh wait... a snake and giant african land snails. do they count as weird? :lol:
I once had a ant farm.
I Had it for a while but got very bored of it.
I had a three leged cat growing up. I have a teacup shih-tzue who is half blind and has epilepsy. Does that count?
When I was around 4 or 5 we lived in Phoenix, AZ and I used to bring home tarantulas all the time. My mom would let me keep the "fuzzy spiders" though, she was terrified of them. :angry: :lol:
I didn't realise chickens were weird and wacky haha
Looks like I'm off to the loony bin with you lot as I have chickens too.
I have loads of different species of Achatina and Archachatina (giant land snails), a few millipedes, loads of beetles and cockroaches.

So kinda odd!

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