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  1. J

    I Just Don't Know What To Do

    When I am in doubt if I have a male or a female I put one I know is a male in a cup inside of the tank and watch the reaction. If the one I am unsure about starts to act like it wants to fight I know it is a male. Make sure you cover the cup because sometimes they get really jumpy and you...
  2. J

    Help In Planting My Aquarium

    I use 2 13 watt CF bulbs in my 10 gallon and find that is really enough light for most of the plants I am growing. There is several floating plants to choose from besides duckweed depending if you like to longer roots hanging down or not. Frogbit, red rooted floaters, salvina and water lettuce...
  3. J

    Buying A Betta Tank For The First Time In The Next Few Days...

    If it is real gravel it shouldn't have broken down. If it was something like fluorite it would have broken down, it takes forever to get that rinsed clean, with just water. If it is the regular aquarium gravel that most stores sell it really isn't gravel but made of epoxy, I don't know what...
  4. J

    Don't You Just Love

    I got one betta that was a very light peachy cream color ...after I got him home put him in clean water within a couple of hours he was a chocolate brown/black color. He was probably the most stressed fish I have ever seen. I think we all can say our bettas are much prettier in their homes...
  5. J


    Get or make a divider for the 10 gallon. You can make one for a couple of dollars with stuff from walmart.
  6. J

    Is This Blown Fins?

    Some bettas actually bite their own tails. I have one I keep a ping pong ball in to keep him occupied when he gets aggressive. I tried putting a female next to him but he still did it. I found out for sure he was doing this while I was changing his bowl and he was in a cup he started doing it...
  7. J

    Friends Betta

    Fasting him is a good idea also you might try a shelled cooked pea.
  8. J

    My Tank And Fish

    The pleco can get up to 24 inches. There are a couple that are smaller but I have never seen them,. I have been looking for the pitbull pleco
  9. J

    I Have A Snail?

    Most of my bettas eat the snail. I have one that hasn't eaten them all out of his tank. One thing about snails they are little poop machines, another thing is if you see them trying to escape chances are there is something wrong with your water and you should check it out.
  10. J

    I've Got A Little Problem

    I have a betta that it took nearly 3 weeks for him to eat pellets....but he did eat peas. I fed him a pea every other day but offered him pellets 2 times a day. Atison's betta pro is smaller pellets than anything else I have tried so if the food is to big you might try it. I am sure he will...
  11. J

    Velvet Outbreak?

    When you said it looked like sand I was thinking it was white. Ich is white...velvet is more of a golden color. To help break the life cycle of velvet the least amount of light possible. The picture does look like velvet. Raising the temperature is usually always a good idea when the fish is...
  12. J

    What Floating Plants Do You Guys Use To Keep Bettas Happy?

    Ricca is considered a high light plant. I have considered getting some and putting it in one of my small 2.5 gallon tanks with a CF over it, just to see how it does.
  13. J

    Velvet Outbreak?

    Sounds like ick. Raise the temperature to about 82 to 84 degrees. This will make the life cycle shorter. Keep using the bettafix. Velvet is golden and ick is white spots.
  14. J

    What Floating Plants Do You Guys Use To Keep Bettas Happy?

    In the various tanks and bowls I have frogbit, hornwort, duckweed, red root floater and salvinia oblongifolia. I have found the red rooted floater does best with some water movement.
  15. J

    A Bunch Of Questions

    Some filters have a knob you can turn to adjust the water flow. UGF are more difficult to adjust the flow on but it can be done with valves usually. If you have a HOB filter you can block it with some plastic canvas or use a bottle slipped over the bottom to help.
  16. J

    Betta's And Snails

    I looked up to see what an Inca snail looks like, it is very much like the snails I had in with my bettas. One of my bettas ate the eye stocks off the snail, one day I figure the snail got really unlucky and got pulled out of the shell and eaten. I only had an empty shell when I came home from...
  17. J

    Dire Straits For Betta?!

    Make sure the water in the tank is warmed to the temperature you want before floating your fish. I usually use the liquid medication, but that is what is readily available for me.
  18. J

    Dire Straits For Betta?!

    Bettas are hard to tell the age on but yours does look like he may be older, a lot of times they are over 6 months old when they get to the pet shop. Most live about 2 years some longer. I had only one problem with velvet, my fish was rubbing against anything and everything. I did some...
  19. J

    Meet Dancer

    He is so handsome!!
  20. J

    Dire Straits For Betta?!

    Velvet is very treatable. Use a flashlight and a darkened room to check for it, it will have a golden color instead of white like ick. Usually a fish will rub itself against something.
  21. J

    Worried About My Boy

    He is so handsome!
  22. J

    Dire Straits For Betta?!

    If he is struggling to get to the surface to breath you can only fill his bowl 1/2 full so he isn't using all his energy to swim to breath. I have a 7 watt heater from wal mart and I also have a little heating pad type of heater that I got from petco. Neither one can be adjusted. Swim bladder...
  23. J


    I have 2 angel fish and they will chase and nip the other fish for territory. My bettas are all in tanks and bowls by themselves.
  24. J

    Betta Question

    Cories and otto cats are both fine with bettas, they both do better in a group of 5 or more so keep that in mind the tank needs to be bigger than 5 gallon.
  25. J

    Dire Straits For Betta?!

    Always use water conditioner. The first thing I do when a betta doesn't seem itself is raise the temperature to about 82 and add 1 teaspoon aquarium salt per gallon. Keeping the water super clean always helps. It probably ammonia related, usually it is from not changing the water enough. I...
  26. J

    Worried About My Boy

    Most fish will settle down in a day or two. Others seem to always be trying to battle the reflection, I have found that plastic tanks reflect a lot more when the light is on.
  27. J

    Tank Mates

    Depending on the type of algae eater you got and how big your tank is it should be alright. Chinese algae eaters get very large and can actually bother slower moving fish. If the betta starts having problems you can always move him to something smaller on his own, even a bucket until you find...
  28. J


    Putting a betta in with any Gourami is going to start problems. Most of your fish in your tank is territorial that will fight to claim an area in the tank. If you plan on breeding bettas read as much as you can before attempting the first spawn. I have 2 female bettas and 15 males all in...
  29. J

    New Tanks Mates!

    Snails are poop machines and can mess up a tank in a hurry, also I had a betta that ate the eye stocks off a large snail. Most of my tanks have pond snails in them because they are planted but most get eaten when they are small.
  30. J

    How To Clean By Betta's Bowl

    Be very careful with cherry barbs they can be really bad fin nippers. I find an easy way to keep a bowl clean is with a turkey baster, take out about 1/2 of the water and replace it. When I do 100% water changes I catch the betta in a cup and then dump out the water. Swish the gravel with the...
  31. J

    Weak Fish

    Keep his water temperature around 80, and try to feed him live food such as frozen brine shrimp or blood worms. If you don't have a heater for his jar what I do is float the jar in my 29 gallon tank, I brace it against the center support and tie it in place. Make sure you keep the water super...
  32. J

    Before I Take The Plunge...

    Make sure your tank has an easy way of covering it some bettas get excited and jump. I personally prefer to have a glass tank or bowl over plastic for a male betta they are less reflective and doesn't stress the fish as much. I keep live plants and have to have lights so the reflection is...
  33. J

    Need Help With Fin Rot---it's Returned...

    If it was the tail I would say watch and see if he is biting his own tail. I know if the ph of the water is low it can effect the fins of fish. The most important thing is to keep the water very clean and add salt. Keeping the water a little warmer helps as well.
  34. J

    Tumor Causing Dropsy?

    I have a betta with a tumor, the only real thing I can do is keep him comfortable. I know it is a tumor because it is only on one side of his body. When I look down one side really bulges out and the other side bulges a little. He is still begs for food and do his will wiggle dance when he...
  35. J

    A Few Questions...

    Is that a sword plant in that tank? I have the same tank but with java moss, java fern and some rotala and some salvinia.
  36. J

    Sick Betta Behavior

    Dirty water can make the fish weak and whatever he had can attack him again. I am glad the betta fix worked since I was thinking it was columaris which doesn't respond to betta fix from what I have read. What I would do is clean and give him a dose of betta fix again.
  37. J

    How Can I Help My Betta?

    Keep his water super clean is always an important first step. Add 1 teaspoon os aquarium salt per gallon, or add betta spa then feed him some live food such as frozen brine shrimp at least every other day. The higher protein will make his fins grow back faster. If you want to put him in a...
  38. J

    What Is Wrong With Betta Hexes?

    Well there is a lot about humans and fish that are alike they want to live comfortably.
  39. J

    A Few Questions...

    A desk lamp makes a good light for a smaller tank or larger fish bowl I use those cheap spiral flourescent bulbs they are like 14 watt I think with those you can grow higher light plants. I threw the box away the other day so I can't be 100% sure on the wattage. The nice thing is they don't...
  40. J

    What Is Wrong With Betta Hexes?

    Aquarium salt is sodium chloride and epson salt is magnesium sulfate.