How Can I Help My Betta?


Feb 2, 2008
Reaction score
Urbana, IL
He was in a tank with a killifish pair, and I think they nipped at each other at night (only think that b/c that's when my killies were very active- and think they tormented each other. My male killie died with no apparent reason as water levels, temp, etc. were okay). I've gotten a new tank just for him, and placed him in it, but his fins look awful. What can I do to help with re-growth? He's in my signature. He used to be so pretty! He's still very active...


My guy's eyes are also very red. Is this normal? Please see the pictures of both his eyes, and his home he's now set up in. I just wanted to get him out of the tank he was in, so he's now in a 2 gallon acrylic hex. tank. The "filtration" system is more like something that pushes air into the water for I missing something to make it an actual filtering system or is that just how it is?

Also, does anyone have a guess as to what kind of betta he is? I purchased him at my LFS, but I can't remember what the tank said...




He was in a tank with a killifish pair, and I think they nipped at each other at night (only think that b/c that's when my killies were very active- and think they tormented each other. My male killie died with no apparent reason as water levels, temp, etc. were okay). I've gotten a new tank just for him, and placed him in it, but his fins look awful. What can I do to help with re-growth? He's in my signature. He used to be so pretty!

do they grow back? thats what i thought anyways... just keep him fed and clean and they will probably grow back???
Keep his water super clean is always an important first step. Add 1 teaspoon os aquarium salt per gallon, or add betta spa then feed him some live food such as frozen brine shrimp at least every other day. The higher protein will make his fins grow back faster. If you want to put him in a tank with other fish usually cat fish or oto cats are a good choice. Watch for signs of fin rot if he gets it use betta fix.
Aw, poor little fishy. He looks a bit sorry for himself but they should grow back. Daily water changes and Melafix will help. Good luck!
All fins should grow back fine water changes and melafix should insure no finrot or other illness kcik in
Remember that when using Melafix that you should only use a very small dose. Maybe less than half the dose recommended on the bottle.
You probably won't need it though if finrot doesn't occur.
As everyone has already said, clean water and a little bit of salt should help him just fine.
His fins may not grow back exactly how they were, but they will grow back nonetheless :)
I added more to my post.

TY for your comments thus far. Hopefully with the water changes the fins with grow back and I won't have to use the melafix.
When and if you use the Melafix, use 10 drops per gallon that way it's the same dose as Bettafix. Betta fix uses 48 drops per gallon at a 0.2% concentration of melaleuca, Melafix has a 1.0% concentration, therefore 10 drops of Melafix=50 drops of Bettafix. :)
what do you think about using an antibiotic?, Mmy Bettas fins started to look frayed and white on the tips, I started with Melafix and Coppersafe, and the LFS suggested Erythrmiacin...and also worth noting that the fish got velvet right away when I brought him home, and I felt like it was coming back(that's why coppersafe) I use the salt, tank is clean and I removed a possibly 'not smooth enough' castle and put a bit of mesh around my filter intake just in case .. the fish is by himself too
Looks like a Crowntail to me.
Are you sure the eyes just aren't naturally red?
They don't appear to be bulging, or have a red rim or anything.
Just looks like his natural eye color to me.

I have no idea about the air filter thing... I think people put it into a sponge or something to create a sponge filter? *shrugs* I've never done it before so have no idea about that.
Looks like a Crowntail to me.
Are you sure the eyes just aren't naturally red?
They don't appear to be bulging, or have a red rim or anything.
Just looks like his natural eye color to me.

I have no idea about the air filter thing... I think people put it into a sponge or something to create a sponge filter? *shrugs* I've never done it before so have no idea about that.

I agree, I think the red is simply his natural eye color. It's in both eyes, which don't appear irritated, and it's not dark or splotchy like a hemorrhage, so I think that's just how he looks. Plus, I think I've seen it in bettas before, but I'm not sure... :X
It could be that his eyes have always been red, and it's just never stood out to me because his coloring was always so much more vibrant...but they're REALLY red for me to have never noticed before. I've had him for about 6 months...
It's a possibility it was a maturation trait. He was likely really young when you first got him, now that you've had him for 6 months he's hit maturity so the red eyes just developed. But thats just an educated guess on my part.
Poor guy.... those are certainly some tattered fins. Water changes and Betta Fix (or Mela fix) should ensure his fins grow back.

Looks to be a crowntail. As for the eyes, nothing looks unhealthy to me..... would be odd if you never noticed the red eyes b4. Maybe he has some sort of albino trait in him :unsure:. Check to make sure your filter (or whatever it is :p) isnt causing too much current.
Poor guy.... those are certainly some tattered fins. Water changes and Betta Fix (or Mela fix) should ensure his fins grow back.

Looks to be a crowntail. As for the eyes, nothing looks unhealthy to me..... would be odd if you never noticed the red eyes b4. Maybe he has some sort of albino trait in him :unsure:. Check to make sure your filter (or whatever it is :p) isnt causing too much current.

how would you reduce the current? on a biowheel(it's that built in set up or would probably just change the filter), my fish really likes swimming in it but I think it'a bit strong, got some mesh around the intake to prevent accidental suction

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