What Is Wrong With Betta Hexes?

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If fish don't pee how do they regulate the salts in their bodies? Dropsy is when a fish retains water, that is why aquarium salt dips only make the problem worse and epson salts will sometimes help. My view on those little hex things are good for one thing to keep the betta in while you do a 100% water change. Think about living in your bathroom you can do it but wouldn't you like to have room to move and a nice place to rest. Yes fish rest my bettas usually find a favorite plant to rest on at night usually near the top of the tank.

What is the difference between aquarium salt and epson salts?

I think Epson Salts is Table Salt you use on your fries and other food products. I think...
Sorry if I offended you Egyptian Camel.
We just get alot of people on here that ask questions and don't really want an answer, just to fight.

And I don't buy ammonia test kits, I just know when to change my water to prevent ammonia buildup.

My boys also build nests and stuff but they live in a 3 way divided ten gallon tank. I guess there's no "norm" there's just standards of living. And good advice :D
If fish don't pee how do they regulate the salts in their bodies? Dropsy is when a fish retains water, that is why aquarium salt dips only make the problem worse and epson salts will sometimes help. My view on those little hex things are good for one thing to keep the betta in while you do a 100% water change. Think about living in your bathroom you can do it but wouldn't you like to have room to move and a nice place to rest. Yes fish rest my bettas usually find a favorite plant to rest on at night usually near the top of the tank.

Whats Dropsy?

A nice place to rest? Betta's just sit there all day, they have plenty of room to rest.

Your also comparing me.. to a fish. Yes I would love to have more room if all I lived in was a bathroom. But the bettas... Their just fish ( not saying that they ain't worth caring for but still.. there not humans ). For all you know they bettas might enjoy small spaces.. After all don't they live in dirty rice paddies in there countries?
Okay yes if you do research over the internet it explains ammonia. I'm only saying that in my personal experience I haven't see this so called Ammonia. My fish seem okay, they make bubble nests as well as stay floating. And I am accpeting advice, I don't know what you are talking about.
Your not accepting advice, your disputing it :) . Seeing ammonia is pretty hard without a test kit ;) . It's effects aren't always going to be very obvious if there's only a small amount present and as you seem to be feeding your fish a stupidly small amount there's going to be less of it. Your fish is much more likely to suffer from starvation than ammonia poisoning...
The bubble-nesting thing doesn't mean much to me, I've seen fish with fin-rot make these in tiny cups they can barely turn round it. Some people judge their fishes happiness using them...but I wouldn't.

Whats Dropsy?
A horrible condition fish can get.
A nice place to rest? Betta's just sit there all day, they have plenty of room to rest.
Bettas are generally active inquisitive fish...lethargy is a sign that somethings up, likely due to bad water conditions or lack of food.
Your also comparing me.. to a fish. Yes I would love to have more room if all I lived in was a bathroom. But the bettas... Their just fish ( not saying that they ain't worth caring for but still.. there not humans ). For all you know they bettas might enjoy small spaces.. After all don't they live in dirty rice paddies in there countries?
Nope, because they live in huge rice paddies containing thousands of gallons of water, with 0 ppm ammonia, nitrite and extremely low nitrate because the rice plants use all the nitrogen sources for food.

It's only really 'dirty' when their homes dry up and they are sometimes trapped in the small puddles - so they are hardy fish that have evolved to cope with bad conditions temporarily, but it is by no means good for them.
I love how the rice paddies arguement comes up as if rice paddy fields are tiny itty bitty little puddles or something.
Go look one up on the net and you'll see just how large they are. It's shallow water, but it's still thousands of gallons of shallow water they live in. A fully functioning ecosystem. So please don't bring up that arguement.

As others have already said.... the hexes aren't good b/c they're too small and ammonia build up occurs too quickly.
It wouldn't kill you to get your bettas a gallon each. I bet they'd be alot more active then.

You're bettas are laying there all day now b/c they're probably being poisoned by the ammonia in the water since you don't do water changes often enough.
They're slow fish, but they're still very active and appreciate room to swim.

Anyways.. everyone has pretty much said everything I would've.
I'll repeat....It wouldn't kill you or your wallet to give each of your bettas at least a gallon each. You can get tupperware containers if you don't have enough money for a fish bowl.
Who says betta's don't swim around, my males and females love to swim all over their tanks inspecting things.

If your fish haven't got the space to swim around (which they don't in these little tanks) then how do you know they don't swim around a lot ?

As for not seeing your fish pee'ing, if you lived in an aquatic environment, what colour would your pee be?

You can't see air around you but you breath it.

Waterbeast -
As for feeding once a week to save money, why bother having fishes, you may as well save the fish stress and yourself a wad of money by not buying the fish in the first place then you wouldn't need to dosh out for a tank or food.
I love how the rice paddies arguement comes up as if rice paddy fields are tiny itty bitty little puddles or something.
Go look one up on the net and you'll see just how large they are. It's shallow water, but it's still thousands of gallons of shallow water they live in. A fully functioning ecosystem. So please don't bring up that arguement.

As others have already said.... the hexes aren't good b/c they're too small and ammonia build up occurs too quickly.
It wouldn't kill you to get your bettas a gallon each. I bet they'd be alot more active then.

You're bettas are laying there all day now b/c they're probably being poisoned by the ammonia in the water since you don't do water changes often enough.
They're slow fish, but they're still very active and appreciate room to swim.

Anyways.. everyone has pretty much said everything I would've.
It wouldn't kill you or your wallet to give each of your bettas at least a gallon each. You can get tupperware containers if you don't have enough money for a fish bowl.
well said :good:
well i'm sorry, but right from the start all i'm thinking is TROLL or rather 2 in fact Egyption camel and Waterbeast
Okay so the scientific answer is Ammonia Build-up.

Get an ammonia test kit and test your water after a week. Good water quality reads 0 Ammonia.

If you get a reading higher than 0ppm then you are headed for trouble. Ammonia is caused by fish waste so its like making the fish breathe and live in their own waste. Prolonged ammonia exposure causes fin and mouth rot, weakened immune system, and ammonia burn.

Thats what wrong with small tanks. Unless you're willing to clean it everyday, I'd suggest getting something thats at least a gallon per fish.

Please heed our advice, most of us have kept/bred/raised bettas for years and know what we're talking about. I've been keeping fish for 10 years now so I have a bit of wisdom to share.

there's no such thing as ammonia buildup my betta fishes don't even poo... at least I never see it come out compared to goldfish. And so far my fishes have not developed any of the following diseases you have stated. The betta hexes, they were built for bettas weren't they? It saids betta hex after all.

I find it hard to believe that a newbie comes on here..asks for advice.. and instantly disagrees with whatever we say like "fish dont poo" or "ammonia does not exist"..ive never heard such rubbish in all my life! sorry if i seem offensive..but its not fair to us that are trying to help and have someone come on here and act the way he/she is. why did you bother joining this forum if your unwilling to except advice from experienced fishkeepers??

and as for what you said about "bettas are just fish" everything has a right to be happy and if you were put into one of those hex tanks or whatever they are im sure youd be greatful for more room to move...how do you even know your betta doesnt like to swim around if he has no room whatsoever to move??
I suggest you listen to the advice your given..whether you choose to listen ot not.
what are the size of these hexs anyway? do they only have one size or are there lots if different sizes?
Hexes are 5" x 4" I think, not much more in size.

Great for very small fry (only if you keep the water changes regular), but not suitable for an adult betta.

Plus you have to heat them (with an internal heater), you can't filter them cause there is no filter small enough without taking over all the tank.

Only suitable for dispaly purposes for short periods of time.
Am i really reading this?? i mean, fish don't poo! one pellet a week! no such thing a amonia build up!!!!!! what the hell, this all sounds like someone just trying to start and argument. So stop wasting every ones time give your fish back and do some proper research on it before you get another one.

In answer to your question a hex is not ideal due to the lack of space but its not un-doable but water changes need to be done AT LEAST every other day.

As for the one pellet a week, your poor fish, thats like you having one sandwich a day probably even less, could you live hapilly and be healthy on that...NO!

Some people!
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