A Few Questions...


New Member
Feb 10, 2008
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Today I have finally recieved a betta fish. His name is Shui and he is a beautiful combtail. He looks very healthy. He is a pure ruby color, very shiny and alert.
I was wondering if bettas could be housed with any water plant. He has a pretty decent sized bowl too.
I was also wondering how many times a day I should feed him. The pet store clerk said about every other day...the food bottle said about twice a day... I really dont want to starve my fish or over feed him.
Once a day is fine. Just two or three pellets per feeding. You're pretty limited to silk plants because you didn't mention if your bowl had any lighting or not. Get back to me on lighting and I can try to help you further.
I have not really decided on a decent place for Shui to stay yet. I heard that Bettas are not supposed to be in direct sunlight, so not near a window that gets a lot of sun. The plant I bought from the petstore was completely submerged in water and was kept in a very low-lit aquariam nook. Only a fish tank light was on near them. I guess they dont need much light. I didnt bother to ask, being that my dad went ahead and bought it without letting me know. :rolleyes:
One pellet a day is just fine if you ask me. Didn't someone say that the size of the pellet is the size of the betta's stomach? Which means that shouldn't they be fed only what pellet per day?
A desk lamp makes a good light for a smaller tank or larger fish bowl I use those cheap spiral flourescent bulbs they are like 14 watt I think with those you can grow higher light plants. I threw the box away the other day so I can't be 100% sure on the wattage. The nice thing is they don't get hot like regular light bulbs. I feed my bettas 2 times a day. Once a week I give them 1/2 green pea that has been shelled and one day a week frozen brine shrimp.
You could feed him once or twice a day. Once a day, I'd go with about 3 pellets.
Twice a day.. I'd go with 2 each time.

As for lighting.. I use a desk lamp that swivels for my 3 gallon tank w/ one of those aquarium 10w bulbs you can get at walmart.
You could feed him once or twice a day. Once a day, I'd go with about 3 pellets.
Twice a day.. I'd go with 2 each time.

As for lighting.. I use a desk lamp that swivels for my 3 gallon tank w/ one of those aquarium 10w bulbs you can get at walmart.

Is that a sword plant in that tank? I have the same tank but with java moss, java fern and some rotala and some salvinia.
Feed your betta 2-3 pellets twice a day. Once in the morning when you wake up, and once in the evening when you get home.

In small unfiltered bowl it's best not to overfeed your fish, as water-qualities can degrade at a very fast rate if left to their own doings. If you do a 50% water change every, to every other day, then you should be just fine.
You could feed him once or twice a day. Once a day, I'd go with about 3 pellets.
Twice a day.. I'd go with 2 each time.

As for lighting.. I use a desk lamp that swivels for my 3 gallon tank w/ one of those aquarium 10w bulbs you can get at walmart.

Is that a sword plant in that tank? I have the same tank but with java moss, java fern and some rotala and some salvinia.

Yep there's a sword, anubias, a leaf of java fern somewhere with some new plant growths on it and some cambomba floating.

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