

I know where you live
Nov 13, 2006
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Peoria, Illinois
Hey. I have had betta's before, but they never really interested me that much. I was thinking of getting a few VT feamles and putting them with my others in my 30g tank. The stocking is:
1 Angel
2 danio's
1 Powder Blue Gourami
5 Black Widow Tetra's
1 Male Krib( his mate is in another tank for now)
1 random baby convict( getting rid of as soon as i can catch it!)
4 mollies
1 guppy
2 platies( maybe 3)

If i could, how many female's? I have a Bio-wheel 30g filter, so i hav eplenty of mature media for a little bit of overstocking.
I was planning on maybe getting a male in a couple month's and maybe breeding them. They do have a few CT but most are VT's. If i breed female VT'S with a Male CT what would i expect brood wise? How would i take care of the young?
Putting a betta in with any Gourami is going to start problems. Most of your fish in your tank is territorial that will fight to claim an area in the tank. If you plan on breeding bettas read as much as you can before attempting the first spawn. I have 2 female bettas and 15 males all in their own little kingdom ranging from a one gallon bowl to a 10 gallon. I have thought of putting more than one female in the 10 gallon but then I would have to move my spoiled male into a 5 gallon. I have a 29 gallon with 2 angels. 2 swords and 2 small cories but won't attempt to put a betta in it.
would a betta and an angel get along? i'd have thought that the betta would get a bit confused and try to fight with it. and arent angels quite terrotorial? i wouldnt want to put an betta and an angel in together. it may cause trouble!
I have 2 angel fish and they will chase and nip the other fish for territory. My bettas are all in tanks and bowls by themselves.
My angel only attacks baby angel's. He leves everyone else alone. I tried putting in 2 baby angels and he almost killed them( needles to say, there doing fine now!). Also, the tetra's were being mean to the baby's. But i put in a kribensis( for ocnditiong) and no one has messed with him. I was just checking as i really like females and wanted a few. BUt if i could keep them somehow, what would i get if i crossed a VT with a CT?

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