Worried About My Boy


New Member
Nov 24, 2007
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i have just bought a male betta and he is absolutely beautiful. and when i put him in his tank he is being agressive with his own reflection in the wall of the tank. he keeps flaring his fins and making himself look big and impressive. i'm worried that he will get stressed. i dont really know what to do. is this just because he may be stressed with the move and his change in surroundings?

please help!
He'll be fine, he's just adjusting. He should eventually realize it's not another fish, or at least one he can't get to and he'll slow down or stop altogether. As long as he's eating and active he's fine, but if you're really worried about stress you can add some freshwater aquarium salt to the tank. Also, if he's new you might want to put him on a Melafix regiment to get his fins back in shape as they probably aren't the best right now. If you do put him on the Melafix, don't put the recommended dose in the tank as bettas are sensitive to it, only put in 10 drops per gallon. So enjoy your new betta and welcome to the club! Maybe you could even put up some pics so we could see him? :hey: I hope this helps and if you need anything else, just post and we'll answer as best we can! :D
Yeah that's normal. Most male Bettas flare @ their reflection; thinking it's another male. :p
Sillies! But yes, he is just adjusting.
Most fish will settle down in a day or two. Others seem to always be trying to battle the reflection, I have found that plastic tanks reflect a lot more when the light is on.
This is him. i havent thought of a name yet.
but i lurve him! :rolleyes:


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