Need Help With Fin Rot---it's Returned...


Fish Crazy
Jul 3, 2006
Reaction score
Long Island, NY

I think it's fin rot. My betta's pelvic (front--looks like wings) fins both look like someone took a bite out of each-a semi-circle shaped rip. It was only one several weeks ago, tried melafix, and then a course of erithromycin (pardon my spelling--antibiotic) and daily water changes! It seemed to halt it, limiting it only to one front fin, but now, a few weeks later, the other fin looks like it's been bitten (he's alone in his tank)! And I think I may have noticed a slight stringy shred hanging from the top of his dorsal fin!!! Otherwise, he's his happy little friendly, hungry self!

Luckily, it hasn't spread to any other fins. But I know I have to stop this before it progresses. I've read about Jungle rot eliminator--or something like that. Has anyone ever used it--does it work? Should I bother trying to find some? Or does anyone have any other ideas?? I just added some more aquarium salt last nt. when I did a water change. I usually do with a big one, but was worried it would be too much for the fish with smaller changes. I also always add a drop of Coppersafe, too, in a large water change.\


Thanks. -Wendy :fish: :fish: :fish: also gonna post under emergencies...
You could try the melafix again if it is finrot.

Is there any decor in his tank that could be causing him to rip his fins? Anything with a sharp edge, or something with a rough surface he might be accidently rubbing on?
Or do you definitely know that it's finrot?

Anywho.. I'd just do what you did last time to get rid of it and hopefully it'll stay gone.
If it was the tail I would say watch and see if he is biting his own tail. I know if the ph of the water is low it can effect the fins of fish. The most important thing is to keep the water very clean and add salt. Keeping the water a little warmer helps as well.
Not much you can do beyond keeping the water super clean, high temp, adding a bit of aquarium salt, and treating with melafix. Good luck!
When you notice it improving keep doing Melafix for awhile even if you just do a half dose. Also how often do you do water changes and how big is the tank? I would discontinue the antibiotics though. They can stress fish out and of course it kills off all the beneficial bacteria in the tank. Melafix is plenty unless it's so bad that it's eating away at the body. Jungle rot eliminator isn't going to be any more effective than Melafix. No reason to add Coppersafe especially if you're adding salt. You want to keep a minimal amount of meds in a fish tank.

Don't get impatient. I've heard of rot cases taking months to completely heal. We had a betta come in with fairly severe fin rot who was treated in back for about 4 months with melafix before he was deemed recovered enough to go back on the shelf. Just be patient and watch to see if he's biting or injuring himself. Depending on how big the tank is I'm thinking a larger tank might be in order. Maybe take all the decorations out to see if he's catching it on something? What kind of filter(if any) is in the tank? JUst a couple of suggestions I hope it helps.
Thank you all so much for the quick response--some good suggestions fr me to think about a bit.

After the first fin rot incident, I did take a somewhat spikey silk plant with plastic frame out. He has two more in there he loves o sleep and hide under the leaves, but maybe they're scratching and injuring him. I will try to find some new, soft ones and maybe take one out. That was a really good suggestion. Some one else wrote me on another thread and said that fin rot's usually shredded fins, not bites like my guy has.

He's in a 3 gallon, heated tank with a pico filter (how do I describe this?) water moves in and out and is filtered through 2 sponges and carbon. I change his water at least once a week-more lately with all this. I vacuum it out every other week. I keep it around 80 degrees F and almost always match the temp when I add freshly treated water.

The gravel stones are full of green algae. Do I need to take those out and clean them throughly or replace?

The ph, nitrates, etc. have all been normal. I HAVE been fighting spiking ammonia levels. I use ammo lock and clean the tank (and scoop up extra food) but it's still been a problem. I have seen that affect him. He will sort of hide out on the ground of the tank and sleep in a different way than normal..

I have been adding a drop of Coppersafe to prevent parasites.

I guess I'll try the melafix again. Didn'' seem to do much before--which is why I then did 4 days of antibiotics. I hate putting anything like that in because I have to remove the charcoal/carbon, whatever..

I'll keep you informed when I can ge the laptop away from my hubby! tHANKS SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT! --Wendy (and Bettalicious...)
You could try just keeping his water as clean as possible. If it doesn't look like it's getting worse then I would hold off on medicating.

As for the ammolock. I'd get a regular dechlorinator to use in your tank.
Did you cycle it before you got the betta? Or has it been cycled for a while now?
Not sure if ammolock prevents the beneficial bacteria from using ammonia.
If the tank hasn't been cycled yet, I would just use a regular dechlor, do water changes to keep ammonia and nitrite down below .25 reading.
Or you could get some Prime. I think that one just neutralizes the ammonia and nitrite so it doesn't hinder the cycling process. I'm not positive on that though. Might want to ask around the forums some from people who would know.

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