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  1. G


    I am doing a research project on the lionfish or Pterois volitans I need to know about its movement. reproduction, lifespan and weight.
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    Moly breeding

    I have recently gotten two famale and one male molies and I noticed that the male and one of the females are sort of fighting. I want to breed them is this behavior usual? :dunno: Is this part of their mating process? Thanks in advance! :flex: :thumbs: :D :P ;)
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    Lionfish research

    I am researching the Pterois volitans or Lionfish and I am having trouble finding certain info. Including, How much it ways at birth, the difference between males and females, when they can begin to reproduce and if they care for their young. Does anyone have any useful info. :dunno: Thanks for...
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    agressive betta

    I have a bad problem. My new betta is fighting with my gourami. THis has never ever happened with my bettas and gouramis before. I am afraid that they will kill each other I don't know what to do! :crazy: :huh: :S :byebye: :/
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    new fish has brought illness

    Do something imediatly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had the same thing happen to me and half of my fish died before i could stop it!!!!!! Get treatment now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink: :o :byebye: :-( :( cull the sick ones if you must!!!!!
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    I know I shouldn't have...

    I think that you should give it a little more time. Does the petshop have refunds? I:f it is surviving my guess would be that it is fine but i am not too sure. :drink:
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    Bad case of ick

    I got some fish from a pet store that had ick so I imediatly culled them. The fish were only in for about a minute. But now it is spreading and it is only showing up on my tetras. It is realy bad. They are covered. I have tried medications and they are not helping what should I do? :byebye: :o...
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    Can I add more?!?!?!

    You could but what type of gravel do you have? :kira: :hey:
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    Fisshy Poop

    Get catfish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    I'm moving!

    You better pray that those fish to live. Or you could flush em! :-(
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    I need help a.s.a.p -_- My new angel fish is getting white dots on it and I don't know why. I read somwhere that they do this during breeding season. What does this all mean? :( :/ :S :sad: :-( :X
  12. G

    Can I Put a Betta in a 10Gal Community Tank?

    If you have no other male bettas than yes of course. Though its tail might get torn up. :D
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    would be fish keeper

    I would start with guppies, danios maybe a betta and some neon tetras. Don't over flow the aquarium with fish! :D :hi: :smb:
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    How many Gouramis do you have

    I have two dwarf gouramis. :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
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    whats your favorite type of fish?

    I go with gouramis. They have great personality and look great! :D :P ;) :rolleyes: :) :shifty: 8) :alien:
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    Algae discs

    Mine break down but also get eaten it is a combo. of both. :D
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    Can I?

    Yes definetly just make sure you watch them closely. I have two in the same tank and they are fine together. :band:
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    How to.

    I was wondering how to breed dwarf gouramis. Also where could I find a female? :unsure: -_- :sad: :crazy: :/ :huh: :S :-( :no:
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    Dwarf Gouramis

    :D I know for a fact that usually before or after the birth of the fry the male gourami may chase the female around. But since it stopped congradulations on your future fry! :D :P
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    general questions

    I agree with morrgan. Your betta's tail would be ripped up. Don't get one! :beer: :band: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
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    I think it all depends on the pet store. :D 8) :cool: :smb: :hyper: :lol: :P ;) B) :) :sly:
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    Betta question

    I am not completely sure but,it shouldn't be dangerous to transfer him. :fish: :stupid: :pepsi: :band: :thumbs: :ninja:
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    Solo with or without filters?

    Do gouramis need filters or can they survive in fish bolls like bettas and gold fish? :dunno:
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    Those types of fish shouldNot be together. Gold fish need colder water! :devil:
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    How do I clean my tank????

    What you need to do for changing the water is simple. All you have to do is take a large pitcher or cup and take out 1/4 of the water. :hyper: Then put luke warm water into a pitcher and decloronate the water. Do this about once a week to once a month. Try it! Hope I helped!!! :D
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    :D Listen. If you want to breed guppies you have to have a lot more space. Also you should have a whole lot of plants for the fry to hide in. They can have up to 80 fry so get a bigger aquarium. 8)
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    Male Betta in Community Tank

    In my expirience male bettas get along fine in community tanks. though it sometimes depends on persinalaty. :cool:
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    Want to add Bigger fish

    Try some dwarf gouramis they are really pretty. Just make sure you only get one or two they tend to be territorial.
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    Which fish?

    I think that combo of fish sounds pretty cool. It will look really nice. :D :kana: Also make sure you at least get a small algae eater.
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    I'f finding you cannot trust local pet stores...

    I think your flake food should be okay. My close friends have some glass catfish and they give them flake food. But just to make sure you should sheck the internet. :D
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    how many fry do guppies have

    they can give birth up to 80 I believe. Make sure if you do have fry you have a lot of plants. Or a fry net. :D
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    I don't understand the whole rating thing how do you move up to higher levels?
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    Extra 10 gallon tank

    Does he like eels? If he does you should get him a fresh water fire bellied eel. If not that gouramis are cool! B) :D Of course he wouldn't be able to get to many more fish but it is worth a shot!
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    Cloudy Tank!

    My tank is quite cloudy and I don't know why. It is fairly new and is 16 gallons. Do you know why? :dunno:
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    what could i keep with my betta?

    I have tetras,dwarf ghouramis and some danios! :band:
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    I have some dream fish! :D Angle fish swordtail Lace gourami thick-lip gourami Honey gourami Bleeding heart tetra And tons of others! :D B) :rolleyes: :) :blink: :alien:
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    I need to know about dwarf gouramis

    I just got two new dwarf gouramis and I need to know as much about them as I can! Also I would like to fill my aquarium with two of all the different types of ghouramis that I can fit! My aquarium is a 16 gallon. :dunno: