Want to add Bigger fish


Fish Fanatic
Aug 28, 2003
Reaction score
South Africa
I want to add bigger fish to my tank. I really don't know what to add. My Betta and guppy’s is getting soon a new home. If anyone can give me an idea what to look at? I have thought of Silver dollars, but from what I have read, they are plant destroyers.

Any info will help
Thanks :cool: .
The pearl gourami & the rainbow fish are beautiful. I want actully some thing bigger, say 15 - 20cm. any other suggestions?

Thanks. :D
How about some tin foils? They grow pretty big, and look awesome when there are a few together. Need a hugh tank tho i image? :thumbs:
I think my tank is too small for them. I would really love to have a few, but I think my 71Gallon / 272L tank are too small for them. Any other suggestion?
Try some dwarf gouramis they are really pretty. Just make sure you only get one or two they tend to be territorial.
Dwarf gouramis grow to about 5 cm, so they're hardly as big as the 15-20 cm fish Beesboer is looking for.

Are you aware that you already have quite a few large fish in your tank, and that when they're fullgrown you won't have room for some of them? Clown loaches grow to about 15-20 cm in the aquarium (and even bigger in the wild), and bala sharks (who really should be in a group) can get 30 cm long and need a larger aquarium than a 71 gal. With those in there already I wouldn't add any more fish.
It's true; I actually already have 5 fishes that would get over 20cm. What about eels? Most eels get to 40cm, is this correct? I would really love to have one of these interesting fish.

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