general questions


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2003
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i was wondering if their were any semi-aggrosive or aggressive gouramis that stay under 4 inchs in size that will go with my tank mates. would a betta be ok with my tank in habitants.:band:
Your tiger barbs would nip the fins of a betta, and probably any other gourami as well. I don't recommend getting one.

Also, since common plecos can grow to 12 inches in an aquarium, your tank is already overstocked. A 12 inch fish is much too big for a 29 gal by the way, so eventually you'll have to remove them, I'm afraid.
I agree with morrgan. Your betta's tail would be ripped up. Don't get one! :beer: :band: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
Hi Boggnials. :)

Gouramis are not considered aggressive or semi-aggressive fish. If you wanted something similar to a gourami, but more aggressive, you might try a paridise fish. These are related to both gouramis and bettas but are more aggressive than either. They look very much like gouramis and are quite beautiful.

I would not keep a betta in your community tank with the selection of fish that you already have. :no:

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