would be fish keeper

lisa F

New Member
Nov 18, 2003
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Hi everyone,
I am thinking of getting an aquarium in the next few weeks. I have never had one before so any advice would be great!
It will probably be 80cmx30x46 and is sold with a fluval filter. What are the best fish for starters, I live in a hardish water area where I am told the ph is normally between 6.5-7

:D hi lisa, welcome to the forum!
My advice would be to find a friendly stockist and chat to them, read loads on the internet and by magazine or too, they'll have loads of advice, better than any i could offer! Good luck
Love Mollie x x x
:hi: yes i think you should get an aquarium for a start. Its a great hobby. Ok what you should do is either invest in i nice aqaurium book (this is a great choice) it will outline the basics and regular problems and maintence. Ok you could also look some stuff up on the net. Also I also reccomend going into the Newbie section of the forums and asking any specific questiong there. Overall good luck and have fun!!!! ;)
You have great water, and fish are a great hobby. Where I am water is hard and ph of 8.5+. Take the advantge and get involved!

Welcome to the forums btw! :hi:
I would start with guppies, danios maybe a betta and some neon tetras. Don't over flow the aquarium with fish! :D :hi: :smb:
Hi LisaF and welcome to the forum :hi:

You are doing a very smart thing by joining the forum and learning about fishkeeping BEFORE you start up a tank. It is not a difficult hobby, but there are definate do's and don'ts. :D

There are a lot of friendly fish folks here that will be very happy to help you along! :nod: Do not hesitate to ask questions.

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