

Married Lizard
Oct 8, 2003
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Residing in a big city in Minnesota, but I'm a cou
This is my list of fishies that I want to get someday:

Cardinal Tetra
Neon Tetra
Glass Bloodfin
Bleeding Heart Tetra
Glowlight Tetra/Fire Neon

Cherry Barb
Black Ruby Barb
Harlequin Rasbora

Kissing Gourami (?)
Blue Gourami
Dwarf Gourami (same as Blue?)


A peach Betta

And probably others that I've forgotten or not discovered yet! "hyper: :)

Now, before people start telling me these fish may not be compatible (not that anyone around here would do that :p), I already know that! :nod: This is simply a list of fishes I want to have at some point in time - like when I have money for more tanks and room for more tanks (i.e. when I'm not a college student). At one point I had Corys on my list, but I've gotten some now :nod: :wub: Lovely little fishies, they are!

Ahhh....dreams... Anyone else have a list of "dream fish"? (C'mon, I *know* some of you do!)

aka Lizard
Ahhh the dream fish. You don't REALLY want my list do you? lol... I have too many to list, plus I always forget some at the spur of the moment thinking, but I'll try...

Bunch o' cichlids! I want some fronts, and a couple rams, uhh.... electric yellows, and some that I don't know what are called but I've seen freshmike's pics of... :D
Emerald Cories (they're so pretty!)
Neon Tetras
Purebred Betta (somethin gaaaaahgeous like a white crowntail)
Ruby Barbs
more Tiger Barbs
Hatchet fish
Dwarf Puffers
fancy Pleco - spotted or striped or somethin of the sort!
Edit: Just remembered another one (I knew I'd do this) - Clown Loaches!

and of course.. the dream saltwater tank.. *sigh*
I want an arrowana, I'd love to have a couple in a huge tank someday :wub:

EDIT: I'd love,love,LOVE to have a breeding pair of zebra plecs,the fry are just :wub: :wub: :wub: ,the most precious little things ever!
i want a room filled with lots of tanks
clown loaches and silver/bala sharks in one
lots of different pelvicachromis sp. & barbus jae
angelfish again
khuli loaches
more cichlids
too much choice really
Theres only one that i REALLY want and thats a M.tigrinus, anyone got a spare £400 i can have :dunno:
i just cant wait tell i get my 30 gallon, i'm gonna tranfer my puffer in there get a crab and a dragon loach, oh yeah i'm putting my yellow lab in there as well, ant for the ten gallon, i'll get 6 neons, bumblebee goby, 2 mollies, and a bristle nose pleco.
i love a huge tank with tinfoil barbs, silver dollars, oscars, black pacu ,red bellied pacu, a large plec and some big catfish, i know this tank would have to be massive but i hav meet someone with a tank this size and he didn't know what to put in it, he had just brought the house and the tank came with it. he had never kept fish before but started to get really hooked. and now the tank contains 2 black pacu two red bellied pacu five tinfoil barbs and 6 silver dollars oh and not forgetting a 15" common plec. most of these fish are reaching full size and the custom made tank still has plenty of room left so he is saving up for some more beauties. its like being in an aquarium.
If ever I get the courage and the time to commit, I would like to try my hand at a saltwater tank. In my opinion, there is nothing that compares to the beauty of a nice saltwater tank....
a 1000gallon tank with a shoal of 5 M. tigrinus, 3 scerelopages forosumus and 6 rays. :wub: :wub: :wub:

I wish!!!!! :/ :huh: :lol:
i wanna red tailed black shark :wub: but i think i'd need a 30 gal at least, and i don't have any room :sad: darnit!
My dream tank:
A whole wall, in the wall tank

Dream Fishes:
Tinfoil Barbs
Red Tailed Sharks
Bettas :wub:
Lots and lots of gouramis

I better keep dreamin huh?
I have some dream fish! :D

Angle fish
Lace gourami
thick-lip gourami
Honey gourami
Bleeding heart tetra

And tons of others! :D B) :rolleyes: :) :blink: :alien:

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