Which fish?


New Member
Nov 7, 2003
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Cambridgeshire, G.B.
I'm currently doing a Fishless cycle in my 10 gallon tank so in my spare time I'm trying to decide on which fish to get. So far I'm considering:

Neon Tetras - About 8
Reticulated Cory Catfish - About 4
Shrimp (possibly Ghost or similar) - About 5

I've got four real plants and a lump of bog wood.

Does this amount and combination of fish sound good? Also when the cycle is finished should I gradually introduce the fish or will they all go in together?

I also was quite taken with the red clawed crabs at the LFS. Has anyone tried them and if so would it be a good idea for me to have some?
go for them fish, there good fish to pick, introduce your fish slowly, or

first week: buy about 6 noens, then

second week: buy corries

3rd week: but the rest of the neons and the ghost shrimps! ( i looove ghost shrimps

good luck and post us the pics :nod:
I agree with akhtar, nice safe, sensible combination. Once the tank is well established you might be able to add a few more neons.

Hope all goes well with your tank

David :fish:
sounds nice and simple to start with. go with ghost shrimp, they shouldn't bug the cories too much, but i don't know about any ohter shrimp species (other than food :p ). not too sure about the crabs though, may do some damage and fin ripping, but you'd have to get an owners opinion on that. if you do get the cories (4 or more is great number, reticulated are so cute too), get some sort of cave like thing (or make one), so they have a place to go during the day time (theyre mostly noctural, my pandas are active during the day, except when the hood lights are on too long, but the reticulated hides during the day for themost part and just comes out in the evenings.........) and sleep/hide/relax. plus, it gives them extra to play on top of :D
Many thanks for the advice.

I'll be off shopping as soon as the fishless cycle is done (potentially more questions as I go through this process).

There is some space under the bog wood for the cories so I hope this is sufficent.

I think I will leave the crabs out as they could be a bit tricky for me (I've read they could be potential escapers and my tank roof is not a beastie proof fit).
I think that combo of fish sounds pretty cool. It will look really nice. :D :kana:
Also make sure you at least get a small algae eater.
When you do a fishless cycle you are building up the beneficial bacteria so you can stock the tank all at once. The two fish a week rule is for stocking a tank that is not cycled so the bacteria has a chance to build up. If you don't add enough fish at the beginning the bacteria you have grown during the fishless cycle will die off. Your fish and shrimp choices sound good. I've got cories and shrimp in a 10G they get along fine. I'd consider an apple snail to keep the glass clean.

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