Dwarf Gouramis


Fish Crazy
Sep 2, 2003
Reaction score
Hertfordshire, England
I have two dwarf gouramis in a 30gallon tank. They have been there for about a week and I have been feeding them ordinary flakes. This afternoon, the male started to build a bubblenest (I think) but is not making very fast progress because of the filter. However, he is chasing the female much more than he has been. Will he harm her. What do you think I should do here, bearing in mind that this is my only tank (other than a bowl which isn't set up) so there is nowhere I can move the fish to.
No, don't switch off the filter. Maybe you could direct the flow of the water, so that it doesn't disturb the surface much? Direct it towards the closest wall? The dwarf gouramis won't have any trouble with a lower level of oxygen. (Though if you keep them with other fish, the others might mind.)
Hi James Tasker :)

How are your gouramis doing? :unsure: Has the male continued building the nest or has he given up?

If they breed, you will have a problem to deal with in that you will have to remove the female when they are finished or the male will continue to attack her. He will only be doing his job of protecting the eggs. When they begin to hatch, you will need to remove the male too.

What you will have then is a 30 gallon fry tank with no place to put the parents. Better to get another tank--an inexpensive 10 gallon would do--and either move one of the fish out of the first tank so that they stop breeding, or let them breed in it so that you can put them back in the bigger tank when they are done and raise the fry in the smaller one.

If your tank is cycled, you could easily and quickly set up a smaller tank to do this. :nod:
I think it is good :nod:

When the time comes that you are ready for them to breed, with the proper tanks and equipment, it will be a different story. And before that you will also want to condition the fish by feeding them live or frozen foods for a week or two to be sure they are healthy and strong. This will also enable them to produce a large batch of eggs which is important because a good part of them will not make it to adulthood. (This is just nature's way.)

If you consider breeding them, read about how to care for the fry so you will know what you will have to do. Breeding them is easy. It is raising the fry that is the hard part.

And remember, you will have friends here on the forum to help you. :nod:
OK, new development. The male's decided that he will after all build the bubble nest and now it looks about 200 times better than the old one and his female chasing is very fast. If I get some more fish will this stop the builder or just make things worse? Perhaps some more plants. I'm racking my brains for somone who might look after the adults in their tank whilst the fry grow (if indeed I get eggs). :crazy:
Its OK. I introduced some neons and he's stopped building. He still chases the female but not as much and she doesn't seem to be getting hurt. He pretty much leaves the neons alone too. :D. I much appreciate your concern :nod:
I'm sorry I couldn't respond sooner, but I was off line for a few days, too. :/

I'm glad that they stopped. When the time is right and you are prepared they will breed for you and all will go well. :nod: It is a wonderful thing to see. :nod:
:D I know for a fact that usually before or after the birth of the fry the male gourami may chase the female around. But since it stopped congradulations on your future fry! :D :p

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