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  1. G

    changin water

    every plant i put in my tand is tied to a rock at first evern then ones under the grabel the rock lets me transport my plants from tank to tank and keeps them down and lets them grow on somethingi bury the rock witht he plant to hide it so they asre like natural looking plants and stuff
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    Plants in unfiltered tank/bowl

    I got a beta In one of those nano red sea 1/2 gallon tanks It has a filter but my beta dosent like it. So i leav the filter off most of the time. It has lots of plants in it and they are doing fine. I got frass on the bottum and an anubous wtih arow shaped leafs. Its makiung lily pads on top.
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    Eheim Filters

    I got the eheim 2229 wet/dry and my water is awsome. I would drink it if i had too. Mabie. Well i would also eat the fish if i had to. Like with a gun to my head. But eheim is in my opinon the best. Its easy to use and change. My friend got a new eheim pro 2 it is like sooo nice too it evean has...
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    Tiger Barbs Are Fighting ALOT

    I got like 7 tiger barbs in my 100 gallon tank and 2 of them fight like all the time there the gold and black ones but they fight till they look all blue. then one will eventualy swim all the way over to the other side of the tank. All of my tiger barbs look the same. Like all there fins and...
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    Well i havent lost any more fish in the tank i think it just died becuase of birth complications.
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    Gravel depth

    My fish are good decorators they will move the gravel any way they want. LoL i use about 1 inch of gravel and i add gravel to all the plants so thers a small mount at the plant bases.
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    Possibly emergency, maybe coincidence?!

    Try using an airstone or soemthing at night to release the co2 at night.
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    Nitrite spike after water change!!

    I agree with ken you should alwase elt your water age atleast 1 nightbefro putting it in your tank. Unless you got a huge tank that you need to shange 10 gallons at a time i sugest buying watere that the lvfs (1$ a gallon.) Or get a deioniser there like 20$ and you can refill the cartrage...
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    oily surface

    i use to get that and i switched fish foods. I was using a wierd fish food that coused that type of sufface. You might try feeding your fish less food too. Disruption of the suface might make it look like its gone away but it will probably still be in the water. But it is prolly from the oils...
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    WHAT are my options with The Eclipse 3 As fart as lighting. It has 2 20 inch Lights. Both are like 20watt right now. What can i do to boost up my plants with these lgihts. I have a power glow and a natural daylight baulb but i got 16 anubius and 12 swords and alot of other assorted affrican...
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    T5 lighting

    Cool but what can i do with my eclipse 3 top? =)
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    Amazon Sword Problem

    Yea Swords are strong plants i had some pacus who ate mine all the way down bellow the gravel. Now its growing back with alot more leafs its alt more full. I was planing on making a grow tank and doing that to swords so i can get them to grow realy full and lush.
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    Hagen CO2

    At night i sugest runing bubels or something to disrupt the surfice. That can release co2 naturaly. I am agenst using chemicals.
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    Anubius Or however you spell it

    I was at my lfs today and i picked up about 4 nice size anubius plants and 2 JUMBO ones the jumbos have about 8 inch leafs ther monsters they are nice at each side of my tank and the other anubius were realy full of small leafs. They told me that if i wanted to fill my tank with anubius that I...
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    C02 system

    i am doing a similar thing. I am getting a co2 tank from my dad. He works in frefridgeration. I donno what i am going to do as far as monitering and adding it. The regulators that i got i dont think take it down far enuf. Mabie i should do doses but i need to monitor it. And if any one has any...
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    IRC Aquarium Chat Room

    Do any of you know of any good Aquarium CHattrooms on IRC. If not mabie there should be one for this forum on dal net or soemthing.
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    Help plssss

    Some times just reading about your local fish stores helps i found out that thers fish stores around me that put copper in the water to keep their fish alive. I found a fish store i like the quarenteen all their fish for 4-6 weeks and they buy fish brom breeders. I was planing on selling my fan...
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    The Most Useless Emoticon

    :band: :beer: :kewlpics: :dunno: :cool: :clap: :smb: :kana: :mama: :- :cake: 8) :hooray: :stupid: :pepsi: :hi: :drink: :fish: :saddam: :music: :ring: :shifty: WOW THERS LOTS OF THEM
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    I got a baby one about 1 inch or 1 1/2 inch in my 5 gallon fan tail tank I plan on moving him into my 100 gallon once he gets a lil bigger but do you think he has already moved to the diet of fish skin and fish eyes? I found a dead femail but it wasent eaten but white stuff was ovr her stomach...
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    T5 lighting

    can i Put t-5's In my eclipse 3 Top?
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    okay hit me upside the head...

    if the babys are small enuf you can just siphon the water from one tank to the other. It is the best way i hear. I read about it on It explains howw she moves betta fry it might work just as well for you.
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    Lighting With Eclipse 3 Lid

    24" Fluorescent Lamps That's about all I know about my Lights on my Eclipse. What can I sue. Can I Use those t5 things like what is the BEST thing out there. Should I got for some Salt water lights and like a natural day light bulb. Comments from any one that has read about it would be greatly...
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    Fan Tail Complications

    To day i awoke to one of my therid dead fan tail. I Have had maney fan tails in the past and the only way i lose them is when they get eaten or i see that there realy sick and i feed them to my jack demsi. But today i saw a dead femail that was WAY pregnent dead at the bottum. The babys were...
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    Going to do the white coral, white sand thing!!

    I Sugest when you put in the sand that you use a white cichled sand they have it at trhe fish store here. Its for african cichleds and if you leave the white coral in the sun for a few days it bleeches out all the stuff in it. they have other colored fake coral and red sea is coming out with new...
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    My Ebay Experiance

    This is my first time buying a used tank. And Buying it on ebay. First thing you need to know about buying tanks on ebay is that they need to live close to you. Like within a short driving trip. Yea i guess some tanks could be shiped but if its around 55 gal, people wont ship it. So i started my...
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    Amonia Sensor

    My friends all use the sechem ones and they say there good. But you need to get new ones every 6 months.
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    Fuval 303 on a 78 gallon

    Ok I am new to salt water and its expencive so i had to come up with what i could for free or real cheap. I came accross a 78 gallon accrilic hex i chose it becuse it will look realy look cool. I Have about 70 lb of Live rock Marshel and fiji island rock. And i also got live sand. I have 2...
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    Bamboo or spider plants in aquariums

    i grow bambo in my pond out side and it is about 2 feet deep. But the bambo comes out of the water. Might work might look realy cool on a tank with no top. Donno about the spider plants. i got one of those but its in a pot with soil hanging over my couch.
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    Eheim 2229

    Well i found out what it was. There is a spunge pre filter on the intake and it was way clocked.l But you cant tell by looking at it. Once i took it off it worked awsoem like way great. Water is moving nice and i love the filter. A+ just make sure your pre filter flow regulator thingy is clean...
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    100 Gallon Tank Best way for co2

    Yea i understand what your saying but i am limited here due to my lid. I have 2 eclipse 3 tops giving me access to 4 tottal bulbs they are like 20 watt each. Can i upgrade the balests in the eclipse system?
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    How Big Can Bettas Get?

    How Big Can Bettas Get? I want a foot long Betta.
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    UV Filtration

    Are UV Starilizer 's /Stabilizer 's worth it. Do they filter stuff that I need filtered? They sound cool but what are the benefits of using one?
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    Study Lamp

    I don't think that would work well becuse Ther plants whant the blue or the UV in the light thats what makes them greener. I had my old eclepse 3 with just 2 normal day light bulbs and the plants wernt all that green. Then i added 1 power glow bulb witch was like a purple pink baulb and my...
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    100 Gallon Tank Best way for co2

    I wanna boost up my plants in my larger tank.I have a hagen bubble counter thing in my 39 gallon tank wors good with just 1. It is recomended for 20 gallons. Should i use 5 of them for my 100 gallon tank or just use like 2 or 3 of them or is there a better thing i should use. And for lighting i...
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    Home made Defuser

    I got a new used tank today on ebay i picked it up and the top of it uses 2 eclepse 3 lids. It was a gerate deal, but its laoud. Like realy loud. I have another eclepse 3 on my grow tank and it isent half as loud. And i noticed the reason is these defuser thingys that divert water out of the...
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    Need new filter

    I have had experiance with biowheels and have noticed that your water leveal is the main factor on how much noise the filter makes. If you rase the water as high as you can you will eliminate most of your noise. But Eheim's are silet and they are the best.
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    Eheim 2229

    I got an Eheim 2229 and it works ok i guess the water flows out of it but, i noticed the the wet dry chamber on the side fills and emptys realy slow like 1 time every 5 minutes and it takes about 10 seconds to empty the water level sits about 3 inches from the botum right after it drains. I got...