Study Lamp


Fish Crazy
Sep 9, 2003
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Singapore, Asia
could study lamps be used for aquaria lighting? not just for seeing the fish better but for plants... can the plants photosynthesize in it? cuz the light here costs more than the tank and my sis wants her study lamp replaced as its too bright for her so i was wondering if i could use it :/
Most study lamps are not the right kind of light for plants. Plants need a full spectrum bulb. Most study lamps use halogen bulbs which are fine for reading with but produce too much heat for a fish tank. Flourescent bulbs don't produce as much heat and are much better for tanks.
I don't think that would work well becuse Ther plants whant the blue or the UV in the light thats what makes them greener. I had my old eclepse 3 with just 2 normal day light bulbs and the plants wernt all that green. Then i added 1 power glow bulb witch was like a purple pink baulb and my plants are doing awsome. Yu want the UV in the light for the plants. Also the fish look better, i think.

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