Plants in unfiltered tank/bowl


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I wanted to get a few live plants for my bettas, but the lady at the lfs said that they all have to have filtration. Is there anything that can go in a one gallon, unfiltered betta tank? I'm sure they'd enjoy them, but I don't want them to cause water problems.
I got a beta In one of those nano red sea 1/2 gallon tanks It has a filter but my beta dosent like it. So i leav the filter off most of the time. It has lots of plants in it and they are doing fine. I got frass on the bottum and an anubous wtih arow shaped leafs. Its makiung lily pads on top.
hmmm, i never thought about needing filtration so much as light. i have a small banana plant in with my one betta (he likes to hide behind the bananas) and so far haven't had issues (knock on wood i guess). :unsure:
You don't really need filtration for some plants. Java fern, banana plants, the more hardy of the plants will do just fine with out it. I don't see why you couldn't put plants in your betta tank. I have and they did just fine.

first of all if the plants need filtration the plants wouldn't be aroung for all these years, they would have dyed, that ladie is just plain stupid. and second don't worry, the plants do little filtration, sucking up all the nasties by the roots.
No plants dont need filtration, in fact, they are the filters! I actually use them as filter in my lone betta tank. I dont even use lighting, or co2 injection, the reason being I use Anacharis. It uses indirect bright light, and because I have hardwater, gets all the carbon it needs from the water itself(anacharis is one of the few plants in the trade that can do this).

There is actually a part of the hobby called natural aquariums, this involves using low tech stuff, and using soil as a substrate. No filters and possibly, no heater(if you live in the tropics) and just using plants and the science behind how they grow(most plants prfer to root in mud dont they?). You can check out

really great site
LOL, I should have known better than to believe what a lfs store employee said... :lol:

I'm off to get live plants for all of my boys. :D They'll be grateful to all of you. :hyper:
you may wanna get low lighting requirement plants otherwise they may contribute to the bio-load instead. such plants are; java moss, java fern, riccia, anubias nana and a few others. and yes there are others but with my ultra limited knowledge i just do not know them. and yes don't trust LFS employees; most are just out to fleece u :p

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