okay hit me upside the head...


helping big fish eat little fish everyday
Dec 8, 2002
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UPPER Michigan
okay got 7 baby black mollies in my 10 gallon and I need to move them to my 2.5 gallon tank, as I need to use the tank to birth my labidochromis cearleus. so now I need to know how to make this tank as safe for my babies( my wife wants to keep them) as possible with out harming them.
well if you only have bay mollies in your 10 gallon, then take out 2.5 gallons of your tank water and put it in you 2.5 gallon, thenyou can refill your 10 and get more fish.
if the babys are small enuf you can just siphon the water from one tank to the other. It is the best way i hear. I read about it on www.bcbeta.com It explains howw she moves betta fry it might work just as well for you.
I would take a handful of gravel or sand out of the bottom of the ten and move it to the 2.5, too. Are you going to filter the 2.5? You should be able to fit a small sponge filter in it. Just try to keep the lil guys warm and keep their water nice and clean. Because fry are fed multiple times per day and the tank is so small, you may need to do fairly frequent small water changes for them. I presume the fry are fairly small. Otherwise you'd move them in with the adult mollies, correct?
Yeah, I assumed it wasn't cycled, that's why I suggested moving some aged gravel into it. Since they're that small, I don't think I'd net them, personally. I'd take a cup or plastic container (whatever you use for your fish... something not been washed with soap) and scoop them up with water and then submerge the container into the 2.5 and let them swim out. It's less stressful for them, and if you move then into their own tankwater, they'll hardly know they've been relocated. If you move some substrate and do frequent lil water changes, I wouldn't worry too much about the non-cycled tank with 7 new born fry. You'll need to change a couple of cups of water morning and night, though.
thats cool I will make my wife to that tonight as they are her fish.... then I can get my 10 back for my malawis to give birth in.
okay, first, if you have some time, get a small box filter (penn plex makes one called a small world filter or something like that), run it in your established tank for a day or two (may not do much, but it will help). then using tank water from the bigger tank, put some in the 2.5 gal, put in the filter (if you can, maybe take some of the media out of it and replace with some from and established filter...). now i personally prefer a substrate-less fry tank, easier to clean without harming babies. but since the tank is new, take a plant and some gravel from the bigger tank and pile it in a corner/edge of the tank so the floor is still relatively clear. now, if the babies are swimminga bout the big tank freely and not in a breeder net or box, please dont' try to catch them with a fish net, youre more likely to squish most than actaully catch them. break out the turkey baster (a priceless livebearer tool i must say), and suck up those babies and transfer them to the 2.5 (first into a container near the big tnak if you can't put the 2.5 right near it, becasue if you try to run across the room with a full turkey baster, you will have a mess.... :lol: ). keep in mind that fry are excellent hiders, so look in the gravel and under plant leaves and against any decor. you will need to feed them a minimum of three times a day, most people will say 6. finely crushed flakes will do. every day you'll need to get in there with the turkey baster to suck up the leftover food and poo that will cover the bottom, being careful not to suck up any fry that will be checking out the end of the baster. do a 20 to 25% water change at least once a week, though since its not a cycled tank, 2 or 3 times may not be a bad idea. i had mine in an uncylced tank and i just ran the small filter for a week in a big tnak and then moved it in and they ahve been fine. hope this helps!!!!!
thats cool many_a_molly, I already got the penn plax as I have been using the tank for my malawis fry to live in... so I can just move that one to the 2.5 gallon. then I can let mommy out of her breeding box. maybe then she will hae more as she is still pretty fat.
well guys got the 2.5 out last night and got it all cleaned out, then I added a little gravel from the 10 and took out the filter media from the tank as well with water from the 10 and an air stone from the 10, so now we wait a few days then it will be moving day for the babies.

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