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  1. C


    Oh my gosh! What an adorable cat with his little outfit on. Where did you buy that? I wonder if I can get something like that here in my area for my cat, Sueña. However, I don't know if my cat would tolerate wearing something like that.
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    Talking Cat

    I definitely believe this is real. I have a cat, Sueña and she will say mama. It will be around 10 or 11 at night, or whenever she has the "night jitters" and she says mama. When she says it, she'll look right at me.
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    Horsie Pictures And Videos!

    What a beautiful horse. :)
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    Some Pics From Our Outing

    Those are beautiful pictures. :) Thanks for sharing them.
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    Look What I Found!

    WHAT A CUTIE!!! :wub:
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    My Bo-bo Died :(

    I'm very sorry for your loss. I have lost a couple of animals myself. So I know what you are going through. :(
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    Kissing Gourami

    Okay. Thank you for the information. That was very helpful.
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    Kissing Gourami

    Hello. How much tank space would I need in order to have a Kissing Gourami? I was looking at those interesting fish when I was at the pet store and am wanting to get one.
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    What a beautiful fish. :o
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    New Girl

    What a cute little fish. :D
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    Meet Oscar Our 6 Month Old Kitten

    What a handsome cat you have there. I have a friend whose parents have this cat and he absolutely loves water. How he drinks water is funny, too. He will stick his paw in the water dish and lick his paw as the water drips off of his paw. He is also one of the LAZIEST cats I know. He will...
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    Updated Baby Bird Pics

    Your baby birds are adorable. Thank you very much for sharing the pictures with us. I have had several cockatiels during my growing up years. I remember having this mating pair of cockatiels. The male was as mean as can be and he would not let me touch him. The female, on the other hand...
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    Question About Parakeets

    Hello, I have a question for the bird lovers and bird owners here on the forum. There is this rare parakeet that at my local PetSmart costs $200.00 American money. My question is what is it called? It's all blueish green all over the body and on the wings there is yellow and red. The pet...
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    Cat Geckos Are Here!

    They are gorgeous creatures. Amazing! :)
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    Skye Again

    What an adorable dog. What breed is she?
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    Another Food Topic

    I have a question about food. I have these black pellets that I got at my local PetSmart store. I did not know that you have to soak them in some of the Betta fish's treated water to get them to expand and then feed them to the Betta. My fish sadly passed away in August of this year and I...
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    My New Rescue Cat

    Congratulations on your new rescue cat. We have owned two cats in the past and we had to put one, who was 15, down in May of this year, and I had one who I had to put to sleep in 2001 due to Feline Leukemia. My father and I now own a dog and a cat and that's it for now. :)
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    I Want A Bird

    I remember during my childhood and, later on, how my family and I owned Cockatiels. We had this male who was mean towards everyone and then we gave him away to someone who could care for him better. Then we got a mating pair of cockatiels, which the male was mean and nasty, while the female...
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    Fish Like Citrus Fruits?

    Wow, I didn't know that goldfish liked citrus fruit. That's interesting. I am wondering if Bettas like it, too. I am not going to try it, but still. It's something to wonder about.
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    I'm very sorry that that happened. I have a friend whose little sister had these two Betta fishes, male I might add. One of them was this beautiful bright red Betta like mine and the other was a mixture of blue, purple and pink. Both Bettas were being kept in a tank that had a clear divider...
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    Long Time No Post

    WOW! Those Betta fish look so pretty! Looking at those pictures make me want another Betta fish.
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    Aquabid Bettas

    Yes, these look like the same picture to me. I wonder if they are the same fish but listed as different ones?
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    The Worse Of Aquabid

    Hmmmm.... I would not buy that fish. It looks skinny. When I got my beautiful bright red male Betta from the local PetSmart store, he looked healthy. This one just doens't look it at all.
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    My First Betta

    My fish died from a combination of fin and tail rot and a fungal infection of some sort. Normal Betta fish behavior can be found listed on this site: I hope it helps! It's a Betta fish site about fish diseases, but it has a column list with Healthy...
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    Green In Tank?

    Before my Betta fish died, this disgusting black algae started to grow in his tank. I was told that I could keep the light on and I thought that it would not do any harm. The light was what started the bacteria growing and, because I had the light on all of the time, made the algae grow out of...
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    Trying To Keep Calm But....not Yellow But Almost!

    CONGRATULATIONS! :D I hope you get the fish you want. :)
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    Hello Neil and welcome to the forums. :)
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    Hello All

    Welcome to the forums. I'm glad to have you here. :)
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    New Here, Check Out My Tanks..

    WOW! You have some awesome fish! :) Your tanks look nice, too. :)
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    Hello All !

    Hello and welcome to the forum. I'm glad to have you here. :)
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    He's Coming Today!

    Congratulations on your Betta fish. :)
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    How Many Bettas?

    I had one male adult, bright red in color, and I think he was a Veil Tail, but I'm not sure.
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    Bettas . . . A Whole New World

    What a beautiful Betta fish. I'm still new to keeping Bettas as well. My first fish passed away earlier this month, and I'm looking forward to getting another fish. I hope to get a couple of females this time, so that I can have more than one. :)
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    1st Asian Betta Alliance Show

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    Pony Pics #1

    Your pony pictures look great! :)
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    My Dogs

    Your Pug is too cute! They are darling little dogs. I know someone who has one and she loves him to bits. :)
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    Cats And Their Personal Stereos

    That is funny! Thanks for posting the link for us. :) I enjoyed that! :)
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    Feel Rearly Rearly Guilty....

    I'm sorry to hear that the cat did not make it. :( I always hate to hear when things like that happen. Things like that make me so sad. :( I remember one time where my dad and I were on our way home, about ten o'clock at night, from a friend's house, and my dad was driving his 1987 Corvette...
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    House Cats

    I keep a cat because I want companionship. Not only that, but I had a cat who I had to put to sleep five years ago, because of Feline Leukemia. Tests that we got back from our veterinarian showed that she was born with it. :( I first got her in 1996 when she was eight weeks old. I don't...
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    Happy Birthday Ozzy!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY OZZY! :bday: :bday: :bday: :bday: :bday: :bday: May all of your birthday wishes come true! :)