Look What I Found!


Fish Crazy
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
Basingstoke, Hampshire
Two days ago I was driving back from the doctors when I noticed a cardboard box in a layby. It was quite windy, but the box didn't seem to be going anywhere, so I pulled over to be nosey. I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I opened the box and found a small matted lionhead rabbit inside :blink: He had a tiny bit of hay and a few pellets. I was so angry that someone could dump such a cute, baby bunny like that.

I bought him home and spent 30 mins cutting and brushing out the knots around his neck and bum. This is what he looks like now.

He is stunning and aprox 8 weeks old! My partner fell in love with him too and let me adopt him. (I currently have an animal ban on me from my other half, I have 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 rabbits and 2 tanks of fish) at the moment and now another bunny :blush: I had too rush out to Pets at Home (only shop open in the evening) and buy him a hutch, bottle, bowl etc. We have named him "Hitch" because he "hitched a ride" and we both love that film.

I'm hoping to show him and my other lionheads at a local show. I'm really glad I found him and not Mr Fox! :unsure:
seriously...you would have to have NO soul to just pullover and leave him there like that! some people i swear! well anyway he is fricken adorable! and i'm glad he lucked out and got such a good owner/family!

Cuteness overload!!!!! :hyper:

He's just adorable.... I definitely would've become a bunny momma if I found that.... :wub:

As to the person who dumped him...... :grr:
Wow, what a lucky bunny. Thank goodness you stopped to have a nosey to see. Otherwise who knows what would have happend to him.

POTM nomination from me, for being just the darn cutest bunny I've seen in a while.

YOU - ARE - KIDDING - ME! :hyper: & :angry: for the person who did such a thing!

He's just way too gorgeous! Definitely my vote for POTM too :good:
I can't understan how people can be so cruel. :angry: Well done to you, he's adorable! :wub:

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