Happy Birthday Ozzy!


Gun Toting Lunatic
Sep 30, 2003
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Today is Ozzy's 14th birthday! If you go by the 7 years to every human year thing he is 98. He's a cairn terrier that has been a family member since he was 8 weeks old. He's nearly deaf, eyesight is going, but his sense of smell is incredibly good. Still chases & catches mice outside, here he is helping out in the fishroom. His job is keeping stray flakes off the floor;


Oh happy birthday little Ozzy. :bday: :bday: :bday: :bday: he is a little :angel: I hope he has many more. Oh and by the way that is a nice looking tank of angels. They are awsome. Angels are my favorite fish..
Yea I would love to see more pictures of him. I am glad he is around to have birthdays. I wonder how long a dog is suppose to live. I have always had cats and the longest I have ever had one is 15 years.
Ozzy just told me to say thanks for the b.d wishes. He had a great day napping in the yard & helping with water changes. I do have more pics, I just have to search through a million pics to find them.

Snowyangel; Yup, small breeding setup, a dozen tanks running. I've got 50 smaller ones & half a dozen adults to drop off at one of the lfs tomorrow. I'm trying to orient towards growing out some of the larger ones to sell for now, the area is swamped with smaller angels, larger adult size are few & far between. Still keeping my pairs in case it heads the other way.

Well it's that time of the year again, happy b.d. little dog! :good: He's 15 now, time to apply for a driving permit. :lol: He's a little slower than last year, sleeps a little more. Lately, he does this thing where he wakes up startled, and gets all snarly for a few seconds. We asked the vet, apparently geriatric dogs sleep very deeply, and wake up startled. Sometimes the fight or flight response kicks in. Ozzy has always been much more of a fighter than flighter, so he goes into momentary attack mode, half blind & missing half his teeth. He usually attacks absolutely nothing, as there is nothing to attack. He did go off on a brown bag a while back, took him a few seconds to realize what he was doing. We just have to be a little careful around him when he sleeps, which is a lot of the time. He did go off on my foot last month, but there isn't much he can do, as he doesn't have too many teeth left.

Other than waking up grouchy, he is fine, still follows me into the fishroom every time. He gets an algae tab every night; this might be the key to his long & relatively healthy life. My wife thinks he has the beginnings of Alzheimer’s, I think he intentionally does things to mess with her. I've seen him pull several mischievous stunts lately; I think he knows exactly what he is doing. He gives me that look after he pulls a stunt, like pretending to be sleeping behind a closed door. :lol:
:band: :bday: wow that's awesome ! Hope Ozzy keeps going strong :good:

Ps: the behaviour you describe is very normal. Our little 16 year old chap did exactly the same. But his last year he declined rapidly :/
He was definitley practically blind & deaf but still ate like a wolf. And also did that snarly thing ! lol
Happy birthday Oz man, hope to see your birthday messages up here next year this time

:- :cake: :drink:

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