
I'm very sorry that that happened. I have a friend whose little sister had these two Betta fishes, male I might add. One of them was this beautiful bright red Betta like mine and the other was a mixture of blue, purple and pink. Both Bettas were being kept in a tank that had a clear divider that could clearly not be moved at all for any of the fish to get under. Somehow, the mix colored fish swam under the divider and killed the red Betta. After that, the fish would lie around on his side and not move in the tank. He was not a very old fish, either. I thought on several occassions that the fish was dead, but I would tap the tank and he would "wake up." That fish is now dead, but that really bites that her fish did that in the first place. I don't know what my friend's little sister was thinking when she kept two Betta fish in a tank with a divider. I don't even trust tanks with dividers in them. They advertise them on the web and in pet stores, but I would NEVER buy one of those tanks. I would get something like that for a different kind of fish that is not territorial.
Yes, it was my fault. The divider worked, but I filled the tank too full so he was able to get through the small space between the top of the divider and the cover. He really didn't even have to jump high that time.

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