My First Betta


New Member
Sep 20, 2006
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I bought my first betta two days ago. He is a red veiltail with some turquiose iridescent in his body and some in his fins. He is in a 6 gallon bowl with a small filter and 25W heater and some silk plants.

Unfortunately when I bought him the shop was badly lit and I didn't notice that he had a touch of fin rot. There is a little black on the edge of his caudal fin, and there is some pale turquoise which I am assuming is regrowth.

I tested the water in the bag and the ammonia was sky-high (about 3-4).
His new bowl has zero ammonia, zero nitrite, 8 nitrate (as in my tap water) and pH 7.6 (as is my tap water).

When I realise the fin rot I added some salt to the tank. I have since found out that bettas can react badly to salt, but from what I gather some bettas are OK with it. It is at about 0.05% salinity. (it was rock salt, no additives). I also added a half-dose of melafix.

He seems OK but then I don't know what normal betta behaviour is as I've only kept goldfish before. He is very active (much more so than I expected). He swims round and round his bowl. He has even built me a bubble nest which I hear is a sign that they are happy and healthy.

Is there anything else I could do to help my betta's fin rot, and is there anything so far I have done wrong.

BTW, any name suggestions would be welcome. I want something quite grand for him and possibly on the red theme.
My fish died from a combination of fin and tail rot and a fungal infection of some sort. Normal Betta fish behavior can be found listed on this site: I hope it helps! It's a Betta fish site about fish diseases, but it has a column list with Healthy Betta and Sick Betta. You can read what is considered normal behavior and what is considered behavior in a fish who is ill. I hope this helps!
Thanks for the link Coloradogirl. I had actually looked at the site before. Unfortunately all meds it lists are American meds and I'm in the UK. Reading the normal betta/sick betta part I think he is behaving as a normal healthy betta should. Like I said he is very active, but he doesn't dart. I'm definately glad I got a 6 gal bowl and not something smaller, because he definately uses all of it.

The fin rot isn't very advanced. It's like one part of his caudal fin is just edged with black. It isn't, as yet, progressing up his tail. I'm hoping the move from high ammonia water to zero ammonia water will help clear him up. It does seem that he's already got some regrowth.

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