How Many Bettas?

I currently have two:


(blurry pic, but you get the idea)
Kris, Arlo is so pretty :drool: and so is Blue :hey: (dont want any arguments amongst the boys)!
Only one. But my sister has one too.

I have a red female. Don't know the type. Sister has a blue crowntail. Siobhan and Sully. :)



3 for me

Nemo-male red and white VT
Ruby-male red VT
Warrior now Liberty-male red,white and blue CT
1 CT, and a pair each of Smaragdina, Coccina, and Imbellis. Only because I'm moving next month, after that my collection will grow again. :) Especially since I found a LFS the other day that has 20+ tanks of Wilds...:drool:
I had one male adult, bright red in color, and I think he was a Veil Tail, but I'm not sure.
Kris, Arlo is so pretty :drool: and so is Blue :hey: (dont want any arguments amongst the boys)!

Hehe yeah. Arlo is absolutely beautiful, and unique. Blue is more, sorry to say, "run of the mill" around here. But beautiful none the less. When I bought Arlo my intention was to go into petco for their huge sale and get plants for my 10gal planted tank...but I found a cute cheap tank..then while looking for a red betta..found Arlo. How could I say no?

Needless to say, I didn't buy any plants that day!
I currently have:

3 VT males
1 VT female

As soon as they arrive via post, I will have these additions:

1 HM DT male
1 HM female

My son also has

1 VT male

So that's 5 and soon to be 7 bettas in my house. :D
I have 11.
Hmx female - Crimson
plakat female - Sydney
HM plakat male - Paris
plakat female - Jewel
HM male - Tango
HMx female - Georgia
VT male - Feather
CT male - Ty
CT male - Flares
CT female - Tinkerbell
CT female - Betty
at the moment i have 3

1 Blue/Red Combtail - Yoshi
1 Copper Super Delta - Korben Dallas
1 Multi Purple & White Veiltail - Chi
I had 3 until my red & blue hm Agrias died last week :(

Opaque super delta with red-ish on his fins - Pearl
Blue veiltail - Sweetie
8 right now

4 boys 4 girls

I'm working on getting a sorority tank set up though so I'll probably end up with more girls.
I have 4. 2 crowntails, one male one female. 1 DT HM male. And one VT female in my 10 gallon, just got her sunday. And my sister has the brother to my DT HM, hers is younger though and he "had" some swim bladder problems but not anymore.
I have a opaqe white male in a 2 gallon aquarium. And a female blue betta in my 29 gallon comunity tank. :)

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