Another Food Topic

Nobody suggested that frozen food prevents constipation, it was a mushed pea that I stated cured the constipation. Am I the only one who should learn how to read?!

Actually if you had read more carefully you'd know Silvani said frozen food helps prevent constipation because it is moist and not dry.

Also, I'm not suggesting it's good because I use it and don't feel I have to justify myself to you as to why I use it. People can feed their fish what they see is fit, there is no right or wrong and i wouldn't criticise people for their choices. Ok, you find frozen food a hassle but others don't. It's an opinion not a fact!

I understand that people are free to feed their fish whatever they want. I'm just trying to understand your reasoning behind why you think frozen is so good over freeze dried.

And frozen food, pending on what brand you purchase, does have extra benefits...especially the Hikari bw's, they are gutloaded with vitamin C.

Well most quality pellets like Hikari and TetraMin already contain vitamins so there's nothing to gain by going with frozen.

So aside from the hassle, maybe some of us prefer meaty frozen food over cardboard just because we care about what our pets eat for dinner. Imagine a life of bread and beef jerky...surely you'd want a delicious steak once and awhile.

See this I could understand and it is the only reason why I would go frozen once in awhile, but similarly dogs should be fed dog food not steak. :D
Nobody suggested that frozen food prevents constipation, it was a mushed pea that I stated cured the constipation. Am I the only one who should learn how to read?!

Actually if you had read more carefully you'd know Silvani said frozen food helps prevent constipation because it is moist and not dry.

Also, I'm not suggesting it's good because I use it and don't feel I have to justify myself to you as to why I use it. People can feed their fish what they see is fit, there is no right or wrong and i wouldn't criticise people for their choices. Ok, you find frozen food a hassle but others don't. It's an opinion not a fact!

I understand that people are free to feed their fish whatever they want. I'm just trying to understand your reasoning behind why you think frozen is so good over freeze dried.

And frozen food, pending on what brand you purchase, does have extra benefits...especially the Hikari bw's, they are gutloaded with vitamin C.

Well most quality pellets like Hikari and TetraMin already contain vitamins so there's nothing to gain by going with frozen.

So aside from the hassle, maybe some of us prefer meaty frozen food over cardboard just because we care about what our pets eat for dinner. Imagine a life of bread and beef jerky...surely you'd want a delicious steak once and awhile.

See this I could understand and it is the only reason why I would go frozen once in awhile, but similarly dogs should be fed dog food not steak. :D
Not once did I state that frozen food is better than freeze dried, only that I myself use frozen food!
You seem to be on here just to cause an argument, this started out as a simple question but you feel the need to argue with everyone's views. :/
Sad case of memory loss, you want to get that checked out!
I merely pointed out that I give my Bettas frozen food and not to knock other peoples opinions.
Seems you took that for a cue to start arguing and to have a go.
People use this forum for advice and to help others out, not to criticise others choices. If you don't agree with something, by all means say so, just not with an attitude. Sure fire way to get peoples backs up!
I have a question about food. I have these black pellets that I got at my local PetSmart store. I did not know that you have to soak them in some of the Betta fish's treated water to get them to expand and then feed them to the Betta. My fish sadly passed away in August of this year and I don't have any more fish, but I would like to know if I would be able to use them with my new Betta if I get another one or if I just need to throw them away.
I have a question about food. I have these black pellets that I got at my local PetSmart store. I did not know that you have to soak them in some of the Betta fish's treated water to get them to expand and then feed them to the Betta. My fish sadly passed away in August of this year and I don't have any more fish, but I would like to know if I would be able to use them with my new Betta if I get another one or if I just need to throw them away.

If they're meant for bettas, then you could use them. That is, if your betta even likes pellets. Mine will try to eat them, but spit them out less than a second later. Guess he doesn't like the betta equivalent of dry cereal.
I have a question about food. I have these black pellets that I got at my local PetSmart store. I did not know that you have to soak them in some of the Betta fish's treated water to get them to expand and then feed them to the Betta. My fish sadly passed away in August of this year and I don't have any more fish, but I would like to know if I would be able to use them with my new Betta if I get another one or if I just need to throw them away.
I think I know the litlle black pellets you are talking about, They have a blue betta on the front yes? If thats the case get rid of them, Not that they are totally bad mind you its just that there are other foods that are alot better Such as Hikari betta Bio Gold ($2.99 at wal-mart).
Also *if* you are in the Denver area ther are two LFS that you might want to try out one is South Broadway Tropical, they are very betta freindly and carry live blood worms(very Clean) and Tods Tropical fish, Tod the owner has up until 4 or 5 years ago bred bettas his intire life and has some really good homeade foods .

And for the record Stang1 and Lead I think you two are great, how informative a little spat is :D
a spat...what a lovely "A lovers spat I'll write I'm sorry but my letter keeps comig back" ?? :lol:
I'm going to be switching to Hikari frozen bloodworms and live brine shrimp (hatched and grown here). PetSmart sells the Hikari frozen bloodworms, which are sterilized.

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