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  1. C

    Dyed Fish Sales Not Being Outlawed In Uk

    I have had the same letter twice so i think maybe we are being phobed Off oh well we tried
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    Good for me then cause mine are only about 2 inces so i have a little time till they have to be rehomed. I like them there a kinda lazy fish they like to lay about, first i thought they were ill but they do just lay about some times, one is alway in his cave
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    On A Trip To Enfield I Found....

    Do you think that a text protest to the shop is imature or a good way to stop this, we could start a name and shame of these stores with numbers and text the store that we do not agree with this
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    Clown loaches do grow very big, but over a very long period, also they like to be in groups i think a min is around 3 - 4, there great at destroying snails if you have a problem but 80l tank just is not big enough even if they were alone in there, i have a 180l rio and ill have to rehome them in...
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    On A Trip To Enfield I Found....

    Hi, there are topics about stopping this and writing to mp, i think we should all text this shop with the number supplied and tell them to stop, i texted them, saying stop selling dyed fish from KENT area. Lets all make his life missery like he did the fish.
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    Free Guppies

    I have 11 baby guppies very good health and ready to go in a few weeks, i do have the room to keep all them and want to breed my next batxh anyone in the kent area that can collect can have some, also i could deleiver to crawley area or brighton area for a donation, i go that way every other...
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    Painted Glass Fish -

    I have normal glass fish and they are great little creatures, people say they must be in groups but i have had mine for a long time and he has his own little cave and very happy, there is a topic on glass fish to write to your mp to stop this, i have posted to two mps and got a replie from one...
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    Is My Air Pump On All The Time A Bad Thing

    Cheers all, ill leave it on then, i have 4 real plants all togther in tank in one corner by pump
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    Is My Air Pump On All The Time A Bad Thing

    I have a airpump sutible for a 100 lt tank mine a 180l tank but i leave it on all the time, is this ok, i noticed in a post that some one puts it on a timer also my lighting times are they ok, 9am -12 4pm - 9 pm Thanks peps
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    My Guppies Are Being Eaten!

    well we think they might have been dyed fish. we also have a shrimp but doesnt really come out much
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    My Guppies Are Being Eaten!

    we have clown loachs, colourder widdows male guppies red tailed shark, this guppie was also pregnant could that have anything to do with it we did a water change yesterday and levels were fine
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    My Guppies Are Being Eaten!

    We have had a few guppies now that are just being eaten. I have woken this morning to see that another one has been eaten at on her stomach. I was wondering if it could be the black widdows we have in the tank.
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    Why Does He Eat All My Fish?

    If you take people links and read then like i did and i dont even have the dam fish, YOU CAN NOT PUT ANY OTHER FISH WITH IT EVEN IF IT IS LARGER IT MAY NOT EAT IT IN ONE GO BUT WILL OVER A PERIOD OF TIME. If you have such a large tank get the fish you want and let some one else that has a...
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    Very Bloated Mollies

    I feed them a varirty every other day, some times flakes, bloodworm, algee tablets, live shrimp things Well the babies i have not lost one yet and there starting to show colour and patterns, Do guppies have colour or are they died??? Anyway thanks for you help, should i put the mollies in a...
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    Very Bloated Mollies

    two of my three mollies are very bloated they look like there goin to pop, they eat fine and swim no different. Are they pregnet, i thought all my mollies are female, can a guppy make them pregs. Do they lay eggs.????? ALSO I KNOW MY FEMALE GUPPIE WAS PREGNET BUT SHE HAS LOST ALL YOUR BIGNESS<...
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    Dyed Fish Sales Not Being Outlawed In Uk

    I wrote to my mp and got two replis hope they listen EDITED 30th APRIL I got a letter Friday from my mp saying that he is goin to pass my inforamtion on and get back to me
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    Can I Put Sand In My Tank

    Hi i have a rio 180l tank, i have a great selection of fish but hoping that my dawf frog is happy, hes on his own at the moment but will add 1 or 2 more for him soon, i want to put some sand in one corner of the tank were he tends to stay. CAN I USE BEACH SAND, IF I BOIL IT. ARE SAND IS VERY...
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    Dyed Fish Sales Not Being Outlawed In Uk

  19. C

    Am I Over Stocked

    Had the tank for over 2 months now, the water is always fine, but many of you have agred this is over stocked so i will get a new tank as soon as possible but they all really seem happy, even the glass fish. He has many hiding places ive had him for 4 months, he was in my old tank first. i have...
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    Am I Over Stocked

    how manty water changes should i do untill i get a new tank There semms to be plenty space in there
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    Am I Over Stocked

    They dont seem unhappy, i will get a bigger tank, then thank you
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    Stocking 7g

    My first little tank (5 gallon) i put in guppys they are easy to look after and are very hardy. If your getting a 8 gal, 5 guppies would be very happy in there, they are very active fish and come in so many beutifull colour I suggest keeping just 1 kind fish in such a tank as many fish like...
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    Am I Over Stocked

    Hi I have a rio 180l tank witch i think is about 30gallons ??? Anyway please help am i overstocked i have 8 Guppys 3 mollies 4 coloured widows 5 black widows 3 herliquins 2 cherry barb 1 glass catfish 2 Cherry Tetras 3 clown loaches 1 red tailed shark 1 sucker fish not sure (he is small) 1...
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    Mollies How Can You Tell Sex

    I have 3 mollies they all get on fine but one is all ways being chased it has a white belly and bodys black the other to are all black. How can u tell there sex
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    Can You Identify My Catfish

    Ithink he is def one of these, i just bought mine but he is a baby about as big as my little finger, they have really nice markings
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    Ive Changed Me Filter Will It Still Work

    Oh sorry peps ok photo Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting U can see fry in corner too
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    Ive Changed Me Filter Will It Still Work

    I have a tube filter that has large slits in and was worried that my fry may be sucked up if i put them in, so i have put the tube in a tub with gravel all round the tube the water is puring out the top but will it still work
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    Just Had Babies Help

    Hi there was a other post under is she preg, well she was and has had about 16 fry now i have put her back into the large tank regardless of any more fry they have to defend them selfs i cant look after many more, any how i have moved fry in breeder into a empty 5 gal tank but i fear the filter...
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    Is She Pregnent

    THANKS EVERY ONE< ILL DO SO The water is fine in the 5gal but did loose 3 fish in it and worried there might be some thing in the water, but two fish that were in there are now in my 180l tank and there fine OH 180L what is that in GALS and how many fish do you reccomend to keep init I have 3...
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    Is She Pregnent

    WOW, well she has had 13 now and there still coming, i have been watching them come out, but they fall to the bottom trap away from mum but they keep trying to escape out sides. Should i clean out the 5 gal for them or let them have the tank as is.
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    Is She Pregnent

    Well she has had 11 babies now and still in the breeder trap, i think ill leave her a couple hours they seem to be coming out abou 1 every 5 mins I dont want me other fish to ea the babies Once she has had a few more ill let her back I have a other tank setup and has one guppie in it i put him...
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    Is She Pregnent

    There are seve little ones, for def there are two dead and one stuck, how many will she give birth too, she still looks fat Should i releise her I never planned for a preg one i did not notice till i was back with her Shall i let her go and she if the other in her can last in the tank or is that...
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    Is She Pregnent

    Hey people, Oh i dont know what to do, she has been in the tank only 1 hour, and she has droped 7 babies, the breeder i have catchs them in a seprate cather at the bottom, but im afraid this is premature, how do i look after them
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    Is She Pregnent

    Hi Can you help i just brought this guppy and think she is pregs, i brought a breeder pen and put her in it She is really huge thank you please help and advise
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    My Guppies Keep Dying

    Hi well the 5 gal tank i was told i could have up to 10 fish any way i did not i did have 6, but i moved them that are alive in to my 180l tank, the one that was not all to well i moved back to the old tank and he seems to have got better alot better he has lasted longer than the other fish have...
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    Is My Guppy Pregnent

    Thanks for your help ill have a better look and keep you posted :thumbs:
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    My Guppies Keep Dying

    What are params
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    Is My Guppy Pregnent

    Thanks ]My Webpage[/url] i hope that has worked
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    Is My Guppy Pregnent

    i have 3 guppys now (after a few died boo hoo) any way i thought they were all males but two of them will not leave each others side and one has a black spot on it, ive been told this is a pregancy spot Ill try post the pic I cant it wants a url i do have a website but it my ebay shop can i put...
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    My Guppies Keep Dying

    They just go life less, when they die they go to the floor and thats it there gone. All the other fish seem fine. Just not sure