Is My Air Pump On All The Time A Bad Thing


New Member
Mar 24, 2006
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uk kent
I have a airpump sutible for a 100 lt tank mine a 180l tank but i leave it on all the time, is this ok, i noticed in a post that some one puts it on a timer
also my lighting times are they ok, 9am -12 4pm - 9 pm

Thanks peps
yeah i wouldn't worry about the air pump i leave mine on all the time too.
Do you have real plants or fake plants for real plants 10 to 12 hrs is about right.
Yes it's fine to leave the airpump on all the time.
Cheers all, ill leave it on then, i have 4 real plants all togther in tank in one corner by pump
Some say they're useless. To be honest, Ive noticed that when my pump is on the fish in the tank appear less stressed. Without it they breathe heavy (fast gill movement) from time to time.
They can be run 24/7, all of mine do, for months on end. You do need to turn them off for maintenance.

It's kind of tough to run sponge filters without them, and brine shrimp don't hatch too well without a good air supply.
they arent nececairy. They dont airate as the bubbles go up in the water, the only airation is when they surface and pop.

If you do not have one you MUST have water movement at the top. If the top of the water is not being splashed around a little you get no oxygen. No oxygen = fish cant breathe and start gasping = stress and/or death.

24/7 is best. It keeps the oxygen in the tank all day.

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