My Guppies Keep Dying


New Member
Mar 24, 2006
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uk kent
Help please
I have a tank now for 3 weeks and started with 4 guppies all seemed fine after one more week i added 3 more guppies, after a while 1 started staying by its self and floating to the top and bein sweeped under the filter current, just plain lifeless.
This has carried on now with 3 other fish, they all seem fine then out the blue one by one there dying
The tank is a 30l tank
done all the nessery setup, and checked water 3 times all fine
I moved the remaining 4 into my new tank a rio 180, along with my glass catfish, khuli loach and little loach, there all fine but now one more guppie is suffering so i have put it back in old tank, it seems to being living longer than the others did but just staying at top not moving, it does respond to food but thats about it.
its not bothered by my presence or any thing
maybe its dropsy?? did there scales go up before they died?? Also keep switching them from tank to tank isnt a good idea because 1) i'tll be stressing them out 2) if they have a desease you risk the desease spreading into the tanks you move them to.

Good luck :thumbs:
maybe its dropsy?? did there scales go up before they died?? Also keep switching them from tank to tank isnt a good idea because 1) i'tll be stressing them out 2) if they have a desease you risk the desease spreading into the tanks you move them to.

Good luck :thumbs:
They just go life less, when they die they go to the floor and thats it there gone.
All the other fish seem fine.
Just not sure
Help please
I have a tank now for 3 weeks and started with 4 guppies all seemed fine after one more week i added 3 more guppies, after a while 1 started staying by its self and floating to the top and bein sweeped under the filter current, just plain lifeless.
This has carried on now with 3 other fish, they all seem fine then out the blue one by one there dying
The tank is a 30l tank
done all the nessery setup, and checked water 3 times all fine
I moved the remaining 4 into my new tank a rio 180, along with my glass catfish, khuli loach and little loach, there all fine but now one more guppie is suffering so i have put it back in old tank, it seems to being living longer than the others did but just staying at top not moving, it does respond to food but thats about it.
its not bothered by my presence or any thing

I would put the deaths down to water quality issues, you need to test the tank for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates- test kits should be available at your local fish store although try to avoid the paper/strip test ones as they tend not to be very accurate. The reason why i'm putting the cause of deaths down to water quality issues for now is that 30litres only works out at about 5gals(roughly), the max advised amount of guppys for a 5gal tank is 3- when you overstock a tank you seriously increase the risk of the fish dying due to water quality problems, and these are the most common cause of death and sickness in fish tanks.
The best way to sort this out is to test the water for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates and to do lots of regular 20-30% water changes with dechlorinator based on the results, although i would start right now by doing a 30% water change on the tank with dechlorinator/water conditioner :nod: .
What temp is the tank and does it have a filter(what type/power)? What are you feeding the guppys and how much on average :) ?
well the 5 gal tank i was told i could have up to 10 fish any way i did not i did have 6, but i moved them that are alive in to my 180l tank, the one that was not all to well i moved back to the old tank and he seems to have got better alot better he has lasted longer than the other fish have and he has started to move about alot more than he and the others did.
The 30l tank is a setup up kits with a built in top tank filter with two sponges.
My self i have not done a water test but have took water to my shop that says its fine.
There is no smells or anything
Well ill keep you posted and see if he makes a full recovery, by him self i have done nothing to help him
If he gets better should i put him back with his other mates in the big tank

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